In parathion mixed acid, ferrous ammonium sulfate standard titration of high-priced chromium. Then add an excess of ammonium ferrous sulfate standard solution with nitric acid. Excess iron sulfate hinge solution, titration with potassium dichromate standard solution. A reagent sulfur and phosphorus mixed acid: water 700ml, sulfuric acid 150ml, phosphoric acid 150ml; Benzene o-aminobenzoic acid: 0.2%: ferrous phenanthroline indicator: 3%, said phenanthroline 3 grams, add water 100ml, and then Add a few drops of 0.1N ammonium ferrous sulfate. Two analytical methods Pipette 5ml in 100ml volumetric flask, dilute to the mark. Pipette 5ml in 300ml conical flask, add 20ml of phosphoric acid and phosphoric acid, benzoate 5 amino acid ortho-benzoic acid, ferrous ammonium sulfate standard solution (0.1N) drops