1 病历简介患儿男 ,10岁。因间歇性抽搐 10年入院。生后 6个月始出现间歇性“点头状抽动” ,曾多次在当地医院经止惊、补钙等治疗无效 ,于 2岁左右服中药十余剂后症状一度减轻 ,但脾气逐渐暴躁 ,与家人难以和睦相处 ,近一年多抽搐频繁。发作时神志不清 ,面色青紫 ,四肢抽动 ,
1 medical records Children with children, 10 years old. Intermittent convulsions admitted to hospital for 10 years. 6 months after birth, intermittent “nodding twitching” appeared. He had repeatedly failed to stop the treatment of calcium deficiency in local hospitals. At the age of 2, the symptoms were relieved after more than 10 doses of traditional Chinese medicine were consumed. However, his temper was gradually irritable, Difficult to live in harmony with their families, convulsions in the past year and more frequently. Episode confusion, looking bruising, limbs twitching,