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1981年美国生殖免疫学家Siegel,首先提出了红细胞免疫系统(Red-Cell Immune System)的新概念.十余年来国内外学者进行了大量研究,发现来源于造血干细胞的红细胞在人类免疫功能最健全,红细胞上有许多与免疫有关的物质(如CR_1、CR_3、CD_(53)、CD_(59)、IL-8、DAF、SOD酶等)数目众多,自成系统.红细胞有识别、粘附、浓缩抗原加速清除CIC的能力,参与机体免疫调控.并有完整的自我调控系统,研究有关红细胞免疫对全面认识机体免疫系统和免疫网络具有一定意义.目前研究红细胞免疫最多的是CR_1,即1型补体受体,它在红细胞上呈簇分布,每簇约含2~5个CR_1,RBC膜上CR_1总数与簇数和每簇中CR_1单体数高度相关.由于红细胞数量远多于白细胞数量,红细胞便成了清除IC(抗原抗体复合物、抗原补体复合物)最主要 In 1981, American reproductive immunologist Siegel first proposed a new concept of the Red-Cell Immune System. Over the past decade, scholars at home and abroad have conducted extensive research and found that red blood cells derived from hematopoietic stem cells are the most immunologically active in humans. Sound, there are a large number of immune-related substances (such as CR_1, CR_3, CD_(53), CD_(59), IL-8, DAF, SOD enzymes, etc.) on the red blood cells, and they are self-contained. Red blood cells recognize and adhere to them. , Concentrated antigens accelerate the clearance of CIC, participate in the body’s immune regulation, and has a complete self-regulatory system. Research on red blood cell immunity has a certain significance for a comprehensive understanding of the body’s immune system and immune network. Currently studying the most common red blood cell immunity is CR_1, ie 1 Complement receptors, which are clustered on red blood cells, contain about 2 to 5 CR1 per cluster, and the number of CR_1s on the RBC membrane is highly correlated with the number of clusters and the number of CR_1 monomers in each cluster. Since the number of red blood cells is much greater than the number of white blood cells Erythrocytes become the main culprit for the clearance of ICs (antigen-antigen complexes, antigen-complement complexes).
大口径锅炉管是制造电站锅炉给水管、蒸气导管等不可缺少的材料。目前外径大于219mm 锅炉管大部分依靠国外进口,每年耗费大量的外汇。包头无缝钢管厂生产的15锰磷铌稀土大口
摘要:目的:对肺原性骨关节增生病人(HPO)的全身骨显像进行分析,并与转移性囊肿病区别。 材料与方法:本文对542例肺癌骨显像中18例诊断为肺原性骨关节增生的病人进行了分析,其
本文介绍了用于钢液精炼的喂丝材料——铝包稀土、钙复合丝的挤压法生产工艺,以及所生产复合丝的性能。 This paper introduces the extrusion process of the aluminum wir