说明定是一种实用性很强的文体。中学生毕业后,参加工农业生产、运用得最多的是说明文;升入高等学校理科,在校学习和将来从事科学技术工作时,主要运用的仍然是说明文。所以中学语文教学大纲很强调培养写说明文的能力。怎样实现这一培养目标? 说明文是以直接说明为主的文体。它不象文艺性的记叙文那样需要较多的创造性,也不象议论文那样需要严密的推理和论证。它只是对事物按其本来面目作如实说明,因此一般说来说明文并不难
Description is a very practical style. After graduating from high school, participating in industrial and agricultural production and using it most often is an expository text; when it is promoted to science in a higher school, and when it is studied in the university and will be engaged in scientific and technical work in the future, it is still mainly used as expository text. Therefore, the Chinese language teaching syllabus for middle schools emphasizes the ability to write expository texts. How to achieve this training goal? Description text is a direct description of the main style. It does not require as much creativity as a literary narrative, nor does it require strict reasoning and argumentation as argued. It is only a factual description of things as they are, so it is not difficult to explain them in general.