2001年4月28日颁布的《中华人民共和国国防教育法》专门对“学校国防教育”进行了法律规范,摆上了十分重要的位置。耶么,目前学校国防教育的现状如何呢?笔者就此对江西省宜春部分学校开展国防教育的情况进行了调查,得出的结论足:喜忧参半,任重道远。 喜:美丽的玫瑰静悄悄地开…… 宜春全市有2700余所中小学校,75万名学生。近年来,宜春军分区配合教育部门紧紧抓住“国防教育从学生抓起”这个根本,突出爱国主义教育这个主题,收到了显著的国防、教学和社会效益。在调查中我们发现,该市中小学校国防教育呈现出以下特点:
The National Defense Education Law of the People’s Republic of China promulgated on April 28, 2001 specifically laid down the legal norms for “national defense education in schools”, placing it in a very important position. What is the status quo of national defense education in schools at present? In this connection, I conducted a survey on the implementation of national defense education in some schools in Yichun, Jiangxi Province, and concluded that there is plenty of mixed and long-term solutions. Hi: beautiful roses quietly open ... ... Yichun city has more than 2,700 primary and secondary schools, 750,000 students. In recent years, the Yichun Army Division, together with the education sector, has firmly grasped the fundamental theme of “national defense education starting from the students”, highlighted the theme of patriotism education, and received significant national defense, teaching and social benefits. In the survey we found that the city’s national defense education shows the following characteristics: