7月1日,中国共产党在新世纪的第一个诞辰到来了。这是党的80周年生日,这是全党、全国人民喜庆的日子! 80年的岁月,对一个人来说,已经到了耄耋之年。但对于一个工人阶级先锋队的政党,却意味着成熟。她如日中天,正在焕发着无限活力和勃勃生机,坚定不移地领导着中国人民开创新世纪,走向新辉煌! 80年前,中国共产党“应运而生”。这时的“运”,正是“万家墨面没蒿莱”,中华民族到了最危险的时候!八国联军侵占中国的世纪之痛尚未消去,帝国主义列强瓜分中国之争却是愈演愈烈,日本军国主义者更是肆无忌惮地长驱直入,曾经在人类历史上创造过光辉的古代文明的中华民族,陷入了无限痛苦和濒临毁灭的深渊。 为了拯救中国,为了摆脱苦难,中国的先进分子抛头颅、洒热血,前仆后继地进行了不屈不挠的
On July 1, the first birthday of the Chinese Communist Party in the new century has arrived. This is the 80th anniversary birthday of the party. This is the happy day for the entire party and the people throughout the country. For 80 years, it has come to an impasse for one person. But for a political party of the working class vanguard, it means maturity. She is in full swing with endless vitality and vigorous vitality. She unswervingly leads the Chinese people to open up a new century and to a new glory! 80 years ago, the Chinese Communist Party “came into being.” At this time, the “fortune” at this time was precisely the result of the “ten thousand noodles” and the most dangerous time for the Chinese nation. The pain of the century when the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded and occupied China has not yet disappeared. However, the imperialist powers’ The militarists are even more unscrupulously marching forward. The Chinese nation that once created a glorious ancient civilization in human history has plunged into the abyss of infinite suffering and the brink of destruction. In order to save China and extricate themselves from suffering, China’s advanced elements have spared no expense in their spirits and bloodshed