82岁的皖籍台湾著名诗人钟鼎文先生最近接受合肥市文联的邀请来到合肥,笔者有幸于他下榻的梅山饭店拜会了他。 钟先生身体仍很硬朗,耳聪目明,吐字清楚,思维敏捷。当他听说我是研究中国现当代文学的,立即热情地向我介绍起了他的文学创作历程。他三十年代初毕业于上海中国公学大学部,其时,他就在上海各报刊诸如《东方杂志》、《现代文艺》、《现代》、《新诗》上发表诗作,与戴望舒等人有交往。他后来的诗作有些被称之为“唯美主义”,即受之启迪。后去日本留学,毕业于京都帝国大学社会学科,回国后曾任上海复旦大学教授、上海《天下日报》总编,艾青曾于那时帮他编过副刊,俩人
Mr. Zhong Dingwen, 82-year-old famous Taiwanese poet from Anhui Province, recently came to Hefei for an invitation from HeBei Literary Federation. I was fortunate to meet him at Meishan Hotel where he stayed. Mr. Chung is still very tough body, clear ears, clear articulation, quick thinking. When he heard that I was studying Chinese modern and contemporary literature, I immediately introduced him to his literary creation passionately. He graduated from the Shanghai University of Chinese Publications in the early 1930s. At that time, he published poems in Shanghai newspapers such as Oriental Magazine, Modern Literature and Art, Modern and New Poetry, Communication. Some later poems were called “aestheticism”, ie inspired by it. After going to study in Japan, graduated from Kyoto Imperial University social sciences, after returning to Shanghai Fudan University professor, Shanghai “world daily” editor-in-chief, Ai Qing had at that time helped him compile the supplement, two people