黄苏珊(以下简称黄):我近年来在研究中国当代艺术发展的同时,也注意搜集北京中央美术学院附中出身的艺术家的情况。因为我发现由于历史的原因,很多“附中人”没有继续他们的学业,但仍然颇有成就,甚至成为一些“名人”,象王迪、艾轩等。我想知道你对“美院附中”的评价…… 倪军(以下简称倪):我想附中毕业后继续升学的人还是多数,虽然附中的教育对于培养一个美术人才来说
Huang Susan: In recent years, while studying the development of contemporary Chinese art, I have also paid attention to collecting the artists from the middle school of Beijing Central Academy of Fine Arts. Because I find that many “middle school students” did not continue their studies due to historical reasons, they still achieved great accomplishments and even became “celebrities” like Wang Di and Ai Xuan. I would like to know your comment on “Middle School Affair” ... Ni Jun: I think the majority of those who continue their studies after graduating from the attached middle school, although the middle school education is not enough for cultivating a fine arts talent