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一、绪言偃师商城规模庞大,设计考究,布局严谨,城址屡经改扩建,沿用时间长。自1983年发现以来,围绕其年代和性质的讨论十分热烈,它已成为夏商文化研究的热点,偃师商城的文化分期则是讨论的基点。由陶器群分期我们可以看出,偃师商城的商文化发展脉络非常清楚,商文化在继承、吸收二里头夏文化的同时,不断发展、壮大,最终形成自己比较成熟而独具特色的文化,即早商文化。偃师商城是早商文化的主要策源地,偃师商城陶器群的发展演化过程可分三期,其中第一、二期各又有早、晚之 First, the introduction Yanshi mall large-scale, well-designed, well-laid, the city site repeated renovation and expansion, the use of a long time. Since its discovery in 1983, the discussion around its age and nature has been very enthusiastic. It has become a hot spot in Xia business culture research. The cultural staging of Yanshi Shopping Mall is the starting point for discussion. From the period of pottery group, we can see that the business culture of Yanshi Mall is very clear. The business culture inherits and absorbs the summer culture of Erlitou while continuing to develop and grow, finally forming its own relatively mature and unique culture, Early business culture. Yanshi mall early business culture is the main source of Yanshi Mall crockery development and evolution process can be divided into three phases, of which the first and second have another morning and evening