OBJECTIVE: The authors report 2 cases of hypertrophic dural (spinal) meningitis and analyze the imaging findings based on the literature. Materials and Methods: CT scan and contrast enhancement (SCT4500TE), MRI (ASM0.15P, 0.15T) scan and contrast enhancement were performed. Contrast media were nonionic contrast media and Gd-DTPA paramagnetic contrast media. Results: See diffuse dura along the thickening of the skull, thickening and thickening of the dura markedly enhanced, depending on the site may have different placeholder effect. MRI showed T; W spinal cord thinning, arachnoid buildup, T2W spinal cord diffuse high signal, narrowing of the arachnoid cavity, enhance the dura mater significantly enhanced around the spinal cord. Conclusion: The authors believe that CT, MRI examination of hypertrophic sclera, meningitis has a high sensitivity and characteristic performance, is conducive to early diagnosis and treatment.