针对快速路车辆较高速跟驰的现象,将优化速度方程中固定的最小/安全距离部分修改为可变的最小跟驰距离,提出了新的车辆跟驰模型,通过交通检测乎台进行数据采集,利用实测数据对可变最小跟驰距离和跟驰模型整体进行了标定与验证,结果表明新模型能够更好的描述快速路上的较高速跟驰情况.利用经典控制理论中的Hurwitz稳定性判据对新模型进行了稳定性分析,进行快速路跟驰仿真实验,实验分为人造路网仿真和FLOWSIM快速露仿算两个部分.仿真结果表明新模型能够很好的应用于FLOWSIM中的快速路跟驰情况,但是新模型的应用具有很高的限制要求.“,”Aiming at the high-speed following phenomenon on expressways,an improved car-following model is developed in the paper considering variable safety headway distance.The new model is calibrated and validated by the data collected using an instrumented vehicle in Beijing.Stability analysis of the new model is investigated using the control theory method.The numerical simulations are implemented and the result shows good consistency with theoretical study.The new model is integrated into the traffic simulation system of FLOWSIM.Experiment results show that the improved OV model based FLOWSIM can outperform the original system on some specific conditions.