Estimation of Loose Status of Jigging Bed Based on Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System

来源 :Journal of China University of Mining & Technology(English E | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:psty2006
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In the separation process with a jig washer, an accurate on-line measurement of loose status of a jigging bed is essential for a successful control of coal quality and loose status is difficult to measure on-line directly in industrial process situations. So a soft-sensor technology is needed for this purpose. The soft-sensor model is developed in the experiment by an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) which has a remarkable ability of learning and generalization. Based on the analysis of the technologic mechanism of jigging bed, the structure of the ANFIS is established to build the soft-sensor model of loose status estimation. The ANFIS is trained by a hybrid learning algorithm. Finally, the simulation results and comparison analysis are presented, which indicate that the ANFIS has better abilities of learning and generalization than the RBF and the BP networks. Thus, it is possible that the loose status of the jigging bed can be estimated on-line by using ANFIS. In the separation process with a jig washer, an accurate on-line measurement of loose status of a jigging bed is essential for a successful control of coal quality and loose status is difficult to measure on-line directly in industrial process situations. -sensor technology is needed for this purpose. The soft-sensor model is developed in the experiment by an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) which has a remarkable ability of learning and generalization. Based on the analysis of the technologic mechanism of jigging The structure of the ANFIS is established to build the soft-sensor model of loose status estimation. The ANFIS is trained by a hybrid learning algorithm. Finally, the simulation results and comparison analysis are presented, which indicate that the ANFIS has better abilities of learning and generalization than the RBF and the BP networks. Thus, it is possible that the loose status of the jigging bed can be estimated on-line by using ANFIS.
Objectives: In the post-surgical setting,active involvement of family caregivers has the potential to improve patient outcomes by prevention of surgical complic
[摘 要] 高校思想政治教育工作对提高大学生思想道德水平,保证他们在祖国未来建设与发展中发挥自己应有作用具有重要的作用,是高校人才培养的一项重要任务。新媒体时代的大学生价值观多元而复杂,给思想政治教育工作带来新挑战。思想政治教育者们应努力提高媒介素养,主动适应新媒体和大学生的特点,不断拓新教育教学内容资源,创新工作方法与手段,加强校园网络文化建设,创新主题班会,充分利用新媒体这一助推器,提高思想政
[摘 要] 大学生思想政治教育工作的加强和改进,辅导员队伍的专业化、职业化建设是其必然方向。辅导员既要在职业能力标准要求下加强对职业岗位的专业学习,不断开发提升职业能力,同时,又要结合所在学校的工作实际和学生所学专业的特点,不断学习了解与之相关的专业知识,从而满足大学生思想政治教育工作对辅导员的多专业化发展要求。  [关键词] 辅导员;职业能力;标准;多专业化  [中图分类号] G645 [文献标
[摘 要] 随着中外文化的日益交流,外国影视文化在我国也呈现出了流行的趋势,外国文化以其绚丽的视觉效果和精彩的故事情节,吸引着我国大学生群体。外国影视文化一方面作为一种文化的传播工具,其最重要的目的是追求较高的经济利益。但是,外国影视文化也有一定的消极影响,不利于大学生的健康成长。随着世界上全球化进程的加快,各个国家在加强经济的交流的同时,也逐步加快了文化上的交流。外国影视文化承载着主流的意识形态
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate Chinese tertiary hospital nurses’ research output,research ability,and their related training needs regarding scientifi
[摘 要] 作为石油院校新生班主任,必须根据当前的时代特征和院校特点,了解新生的所思、所感、所惑,再制定相应的工作方法。本文结合作者的工作实际,提出了几点关于新生班主任工作方法的思考。  [关键词] 高校新生;班主任;工作方法  [中图分类号] G645 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 1008-2549(2017) 02-0062-02  班主任工作的好坏,直接影响著一个班级的班风和学风,新生
[摘 要] 提高公共体育教师的职业道德修养是提高教学质量,完成高校人才培养目标和教学任务的基本保证,也是实现课堂教学结构优化,促进高校教学深化改革的主要方向。针对高校公共体育课程教师面临的教学道德困境,提出情感上应做到“以生为本”,观念上应做到“立足特色”,思想上应做到“与时俱进”的观点和看法,以期为高校公共体育课程改革奉献绵薄之力。  [关键词] 高校;公共体育课程;体育教师;职业道德修养;教学
作物的抗性基因研究一直是各国科学家关注的重点。本文主要研究了(1)甜菜(Beta vulgaris L.)基因组中NBS-LRR类抗性基因序列特征;(2)甜菜再生体系的构建及其影响因子;(3)农杆菌介导转化甜菜体系的构建及优化。主要研究结果如下: 1.甜菜基因组TIR-Type类抗性基因序列分析 大部分植物抗性基因蛋白质是由核苷酸绑定位点和亮氨酸富集区(NBS-LRR)构成的。根据保守
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