一.EDI安全问题概述 当前,世界经济转向以信息技术为推动力的发展阶段,国际贸易空前活跃,市场竞争十分激烈。随着全球性的贸易额大幅度上升,带来各种贸易单证和文件数量的激增。据有关专家的估计,平均每做成一笔生意,需要30份纸而单证,全世界每年因贸易活动而产生的纸面文件浩瀚如海。这些纸面文件成本高,传递速度慢、
1. Overview of EDI Security Issues At present, the world economy has turned to the stage of development with information technology as the driving force. International trade is unprecedentedly active and market competition is fierce. With the dramatic increase in global trade volume, the number of various trade documents and documents has increased dramatically. According to the estimates of relevant experts, on average, each copy of a business needs 30 papers and documents, and paper documents produced by the world each year due to trade activities are vast. These paper documents have high costs and slow delivery speeds.