河北省军区原副政委赵渭忠少将退休后,热心助学,投身希望工程,被人们称为“希望将军”。十年来,赵渭忠一家三代8口人共捐款24万多元,资助失学儿童318人。为了那些失学的孩子,赵渭忠过着十分清贫的生活。他却说:“我虽然在物质上贫穷,但精神上很富有。” 赵渭忠这位老共产党员,以实际行动努力实践“三个代表”重要思想,向人民群众展示了我们党和人民军队的良好形象,不禁使人想起了那句“晚乃善”的名言。
After the former deputy political commissar of the Hebei Military Region, Zhao Weizhong, retired, he enthusiastically joined the hope project and was known as “Hope General.” In the past ten years, Zhao Weizhong, a generation of eight generations of three generations, donated more than 240,000 yuan to subsidize 318 out-of-school children. For those out of school children, Zhao Wei Zhong lived a very poor life. However, he said: “Although I am materially poor, I am spiritually rich.” Zhao Weizhong, an old communist party, took practical steps to practice the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ and showed the people the good of our party and people’s army Image, can not help but reminiscent of the phrase “is good night,” a famous saying.