The guidance of the process of generative process of moral education refers to the process of moral education activities carried out by teachers in the process of moral education by making timely value judgments on the education generated in the activities, constantly adjusting educational activities and promoting the more effective development of students’ ideological and moral qualities. Generatively emphasizes the process of moral education, which is the process of forming the main body of ideology and morality in the activity of the teacher’s value guidance and student’s self-construction. It is the self-cultivation of individual students under the guidance of others and the autonomous generation of the moral standard. process. In the following text, we will take the education story of Shen Jianfeng, “You are here, Spring is here” as an example, and talk about the process guidance of moral education. First, pay attention to the formative process of ethical moral education tends to pay more attention to the discrimination than the normal attention. Relative to the normal state of discrimination, mainly refers to the emergence of education in the unexpected event before the formation of events, that is, incidental education. In education, teachers are required to face up to educational events and to make accidents happen