五、信息系统的安全要求NIST在2003年10月末发布了SP 800-53《联邦信息系统安全控制的建议》,为每一类别的信息和信息系统制定最小的信息安全要求。这些安全要求分为管理类、运行类和技术类控制,管理控制针对信息系统的安全管理以及系统风险管理,运行控制针对主要由人(与系统相
V. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS NIST released SP 800-53, “Proposal for Federal Information System Security Control,” by the end of October 2003 to establish the minimum information security requirements for each type of information and information system. These safety requirements are divided into management class, operation class and technical class control, management control for information system safety management and system risk management, and operation control is mainly for people