本期刊载法国顾拜旦委员会副主任伊夫·布隆勒(yves Bonlongne)的两篇短文:《顾拜旦与体育教育》和《顾拜旦与“大众体育”》。教育是奥林匹克运动的核心。顾拜旦从青年时代起,就立志“把自己的名字和伟大的教育改革联系在一起”。他曾说过:“古希腊人组织竞赛活动,不仅为了锻炼体格和显示一种廉价的壮观场面,而是为了教育人。”奥林匹克运动和奥运会是为民族和广泛的和平国际主义服务,并促进社会和平、完善的道德和良好的教育。”所以通过体育竞赛来教育青年是他复兴奥运会最根本的宗旨。“一切体育为大众”这一口号首先出自奥林匹克运动创始人之口也鲜为人知。如果我们认真研究《奥林匹克宪章》就不难发现,在基本原则第7条明文规定:“奥林匹克运动的活动是经常的、普遍的。活动的高潮是全世界运动员相聚在一起的盛大节日——奥林匹克运动会”。(根据法文版,与国内翻译出版的译文略有出入。)所以大众体育即我国所推行的群众体育或社会体育是奥林匹克运动的基础。
This issue contains two essays by yves Bonlongne, deputy director of the French Coubertin Commission: Coubertin and Physical Education and Coubertin and Popular Sports. Education is the core of the Olympic Movement. Since her youth, Coubertin has determined to “associate her name with a great educational reform.” He once said: “The ancient Greeks organized competitions not only to exercise physique and show a cheap spectacle, but to educate people.” The Olympic Movement and the Olympic Games serve the nation and the wider international peace and promote Social peace, perfect morality and good education. “Therefore, to educate young people through sports competitions is the most fundamental purpose of his Olympic revival.” The slogan of “all sports for the masses” was first heard from the mouth of the founder of the Olympic Movement .If we study the Olympic Charter seriously, it is not difficult Found that article 7 of the Fundamental Principles expressly states: “The Olympic Movement’s activities are frequent and widespread. The climax of the event is the grand festival - the Olympic Games, where athletes from all over the world come together. ”(According to the French version, there is a slight discrepancy between translation and translation in domestic translation.) Therefore, mass sports, that is, mass sports or social sports promoted by our country, The basis of exercise.