A Case Study on Affective Factors of English Majors in Oral English Learning

来源 :校园英语·月末 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaziaipao
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  【Abstract】Affective factors have great impact on learning oral English. It functions to affiliate or debilitate oral English study. Based on qualitative research method, this paper explores how the affective components exert influence on learning oral English.
  【Key words】affective factors; qualitative research method; interview; observation
  1. Introduction
  In China, most English learners take a great deal of psychological preparation and efforts to develop their oral English level but resulting in ineffectiveness. Even for many English majors, they can’t express their ideas freely and fluently in English in spite of many years study specialized in English. Learners’ affective factors play an important role in learning oral English. This paper explores how the affective components exert influence on learning oral English by a qualitative research method.
  2. Literature Review
  Affect can be considered broadly as aspects of emotion, feeling, mood or attitude which condition behaviour. Brown (1987) put the affective components into two facets. The first is the intrinsic side of affectivity: individual factors, which include motivation, anxiety, self-esteem, personality, inhibition and risk-taking. The second facet encompasses extrinsic factors. In China, there’s no lack of studies on the relationship between affective variables and learning outcomes.
  3. Research Design
  3.1 Subjects
  The two subjects are Li Bing and Chen Ling, English majors of Grade two in Yangjiang Polytechnic College. The two students are in the same class and have been learning English for ten years. Li Bing has a high ability of communicating in English while Chen Ling has poor oral English.
  3.2 Data collection
  A qualitative research method is used in this study. The qualitative data is collected mainly through classroom observation and semi-structured interview. The observation was conducted in four oral classes for recording the performance of the two subjects. The Semi-structured interviews with the two subjects twice respectively were conducted to study and describe their affective factors in their oral English learning.
  4. Findings and discussion
  4.1 Motivation
  According to the subjects’ responses, it shows that Li Bing has intrinsic motivation as well as extrinsic motivation. Li Bing is very interested in oral English; she believes that good oral English can enhance her ability and get respect from others; she realizes oral English will “do a great help for the future job”. Instead, Chen Ling has low intrinsic motivation; she felt little interested in oral English. She didn’t think that was the most important one. From the above, it is easy to find that intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation have great influence on the students’ oral English learning. Intrinsic motivation is more powerful and leads to deeper learning and superior achievement.   4.2 Anxiety
  Li Bing doesn’t feel uneasy when asked to speak English in class while Chen Ling feels highly nervous and anxious. Li Bing said that she would speak out what she thought without “caring about making mistakes”; she thought “there is no need to worry about making mistakes”. On the contrary, Chen Ling thought she would feel so “frightened to be asked” that she didn’t hope teachers to raise questions on her. The findings show that Li Bing with a low-anxiety state performs much better than Chen Ling with a high-anxiety. Moderate level of anxiety can facilitate the oral English learning; however, a state of high-anxiety will cause nervousness and worry so as to pervasively obstruct the process of oral English learning.
  4.3 Self-esteem
  Li Bing believes herself to be capable in oral English. She feels confident when she speaks English. She thought that “not all the people can speak English confidently from the start” but “as they practice and speak more” they got confident. Chen Ling holds a view that self-esteem is the most important factor for her in oral English learning. The findings show that self-esteem is thought to be the most pervasive aspect in oral English learning. It has great impact on oral English learning.
  5. Conclusion and implication
  To sum up, the study shows that oral English learners with different oral English levels are affected by their own affective factors, which function to affiliate or debilitate oral English learning. In terms of oral English instruction, teachers need to be concerned about the affective components of the students. Teachers should try to help students to foster interest and confidence of speaking English and take into account the students’ anxiety when they design and complement some tasks.
  [1]陳劼.英语学生课堂焦虑感与口语水平的关系[J].国外外语教学, 1997(1):15-18.
【摘要】“自主学习”是指在教学条件下的学生的高品质的学习,它不同于完全放任自流的自学,是教师组织、引导下的主动的富有个性的自主学习。给学生设计预习任务,引导学生自主学习;课堂设计任务,培养自学能力;指导自学方法,提高自学能力;构建单元整合教学。  【关键词】小学英语;自主学习;单元整体教学  【作者简介】胡娟,江苏省宿迁市实验小学。  从定义上来看,自主学习强调的是学生主体,那么,面对小学生,教师
【摘要】互动式教学模式作为一种新型教学模式,在小学英语课堂教学中的应用随着新课改的推进愈加深入和广泛。这是一种符合小学生成长需求和身心发展特点的现代化教育模式,合理地应用到小学英语教学之中,能够活跃课堂教学气氛,唤醒学生学习热情,有利于调动学生的主观能动性,使学生在课堂上做到全身心投入,这可以在减轻教师教学负担的基础上促进课堂教学水平的提升,本文对此进行论述。  【关键词】互动式教学;小学;英语教
【摘要】小学生心理发育程度尚幼且好奇心盛,英语学习对于小学生来说陌生却又好奇,在习惯母语沟通中,学习英语交流,是为学生增强一项学习技能,小学英语教学中,教师在教学过程中倾入教学情感,更好的增强师生之间的友好关系建立,有利于激发学生学习兴趣,调动学生学习积极性与主动性,有助于和谐师生关系的建立,营造良好的学习氛围。  【关键词】小学英语;情感教育 ;教学氛围  【作者简介】孟子艳,甘肃省白银市景泰县
【摘要】英语口语教学,是高职英语教学中,一项重要的组成部分,对于高职学生的英语专业水平,具有重要的影响。随着经济全球化的快速发展,我国与世界各国的接触也在不断增多,而英语作为应用范围最广泛的语言,英语口语更成为高职院校中高素质人才所必须掌握的一项专业技能。高职英语口语教学中,要从听和说两个方面,提高学生的英语口语水平。本文将从《中国英语能力等级量表》的角度,来分析高职英语口语教学策略。  【关键词
【摘要】初中英语教学一直是来都被广泛关注,不过都会有一部分学生英语基础薄弱、缺乏学习信心、没有掌握正确的学习方法等问题,导致出现学困生。学困生的情况一直存在,要调动英语学困生的学习积极性,提高学困生的英语综合能力是初中英语老师面临的最大难题,也是学校关注的主要问题。本文通过分析初中英语学困生出现的原因,制定相应的学困生转化策略。  【关键词】初中英语;学困生;转化策略  【作者简介】董荷霞,定西市
【摘要】近年来,英语绘本因其自身具有的图片丰富、语言生动、内容有趣等特征深受学生的喜爱,是学生课外阅读的优质读物。在实际教学中也发现,不少教师也将绘本引入到课堂中,成为课堂教学的重要辅助工具及有益补充,在激发学生英语阅读兴趣、提升学生英语阅读能力方面发挥着重要的作用。鉴于绘本阅读的重要意义,本文针对如何在小学英语高段教学中开展绘本阅读教学进行阐述,以期为一线教育工作者提供借鉴和参考。  【关键词】
【摘要】近几年,核心素养理念的提出为初中英语教师开展阅读教学活动提供了新的思路。课外阅读是学生获取英语知识,掌握阅读技巧的重要渠道,也为向学生渗透核心素养提供了有利的条件。在核心素养理念的指导下,教师应该对传统的指导策略进行优化,使学生在进行课外阅读的过程中不仅能完善自身的英语知识体系,还能使学生的综合英语能力得到提高。本文就基于核心素养的初中英语课外阅读指导策略展开了一系列的探索。  【关键词】
【摘要】核心素养培育是小学英语教学的重心,培育学生核心素养要落实到课堂教学实践中,更需延伸到作业设计当中。教师要善于在对学生合理分层的基础上设计分层作业。教师应设计明确化的分层作业目标、层次化的作业内容、多元化的作业形式,从而让小学英语作业满足不同层次学生发展需求、帮助不同层次学生巩固所学、提升核心素养的作用得以充分发挥。  【关键词】核心素养;小学;英语;分层作业设计  【作者简介】段续连,德惠