压胜钱属非正用钱。多用于吉庆、上梁、供奉、悬挂、佩带之用。全国各地出土较多,内容广泛,涉及各个方面。咸阳博物馆共藏压胜钱7枚,介绍如下: 1、天干地支生肖钱(图一:1—2) 图形、方穿。直径6.5,穿边长1.0厘米铜质,厚重。 此钱一面饰地支生肖,分内外两区。内区环绕钱穿逆时针铸有地支文字:子丑寅卯辰已午未申酉戍亥十二字;外区逆时针为十二生肖图案,依次为:鼠牛虎兔龙蛇马羊猴鸡狗猪,并和地支文字相对应,即:子对鼠,丑对牛,……。
Pressure money is not money. Used for Kyrgyzstan, on the beam, worship, hanging, wearing the use. More unearthed throughout the country, a wide range of content, involving all aspects. Xianyang Museum total possession of seven wins over money, described as follows: 1, dry days of the zodiac money (Figure 1: 1-2) graphics, Fang wear. Diameter 6.5, wear 1.0 cm long copper, thick. This money side decorative Zodiac, both inside and outside the area. The inner area around the money worn counterclockwise cast with text: sub ugly Yin Mao Chen has no unitary Shouhai 12 words; counterclockwise for the zodiac pattern, followed by: rat tiger rabbit dragon snake horse sheep monkey pig, And corresponds to the local branch of the text, that is: son on the mouse, ugly on the cow, ... ....