在“三八”国际妇女节到来之际,谨以此文献给为祖国的和平与繁荣建立了不朽功勋的热血女性! ——作者题记 自从“战争”降临到我们这个人类繁衍生息的星球上,女性就以其伟大的力量,在战争与和平、军队与国防的历史轨迹上烙下了深邃而又耀眼的痕迹。在香港回归祖国、党的十五大召开、人民解放军喜迎70华诞的1997年,伫立于历史与现实交融的“和平子午线”上,放眼爱国热浪、国防热浪波涛奔涌的神州大
With the arrival of the “March 8” International Women’s Day, I hereby give the document to the passionate feminine who has created an immortal feat for the peace and prosperity of the motherland! Since the “war” has come upon our planet of humankind, the women have, with their great strength, brazenly and dazzlingly marked the historical trajectory of war and peace, the military and the national defense. In Hong Kong’s return to the motherland, the 15th CPC National Congress and the People’s Liberation Army celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Liberation Army in 1997 standing on the “Meridian Peace and Meridian” blending history and reality. Looking at the Patriotic Heat Wave and the National Day Heat Wave,