生活中,有人冷眼旁观、有人望眼欲穿、有人有眼无珠、有人眉开眼笑……由此可见,眼睛无时无刻不在表现着人类的内心情感,可对于它的结构,很多人知之甚少。今天,就让我带你走近这扇心灵之窗,你将大开眼界。 眼睛由眼球和眼附器两部分组成。眼睛的大部分位于眼眶内,其功能是接受光线的刺激,然后将感受到的光波刺激转换为神经冲动,经视神经传入大脑产生视觉。眼附器位于眼球周围,对眼球有支持、保护和运动作用。
In life, some people sit on the sidelines, others have their eyes on their eyes, some have eyes on their faces, others have their eyes on their faces. Thus it can be seen that the eyes are constantly expressing the inner feelings of human beings. Many people know very little about its structure. Today, let me take you near this window of the soul, you will have an eye-opener. Eyes from the eye and eye attachment composed of two parts. Most of the eyes in the orbit, its function is to accept light stimulation, and then feel the light wave stimulation into nerve impulses, the optic nerve into the brain to produce vision. Eye attachment is located around the eye, the eye has support, protection and exercise.