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民族地区政府管理受经济发展程度制约,探索适合民族地区的政府绩效考核机制,是让民族地区发展成果更多更公平地惠及民族同胞的有力保证。目前,民族地区政府综合考核机制中存在考核法律制度不健全、考核方法科学性不强、考核内容未突出新理念、社会公认评估存在局限性、考核结果缺乏应用性等问题。针对上述问题,需优化民族地区政府绩效考核机制,对适用于考核的理念、指标制度、开放评价、指标内容、考核结果等进行科学选择。 The government management in minority areas is constrained by the degree of economic development and exploration of the government performance appraisal mechanism suitable for minority areas is a powerful guarantee for the development of ethnic minority areas to benefit more and more the national compatriots more fairly. At present, there are some problems in the comprehensive assessment system for ethnic minority areas such as the imperfect legal system of assessment, the weak scientific method of assessment, the lack of new concepts in assessment, the limitations of socially accepted assessment and the lack of applicability of assessment results. In response to the above problems, it is necessary to optimize the government performance assessment mechanism in ethnic regions and make scientific choices on the concepts, index systems, open evaluation, index content and assessment results that are applicable to the assessment.
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