新世纪之初的第一个早春,高留宽到河南省襄城县人武部任政委。几年来,他把“当‘党代表’就要代表党的形象”这句话作为从政、立身之本,躬行实践,不但赢得了驻地群众的广泛赞誉,也受到上级组织的褒奖。高留宽和他所带领的党委班子,连续两年分别被河南省军区党委表彰为“优秀党委书记”和“先进党委”。 危急关头敢喊“跟我上” 今年4月末的一天晚上,襄城县委常委会议室里,气氛格外凝重,这里正在连夜召开紧急会议。半小时前,县领导接到本县突发非典疫情的报告,形势异
The first early spring of the new century, high and wide to Xiangcheng County, Henan Province, any military commissar. Over the past few years, he has taken the phrase “when the ’party representatives should represent the party’s image,’” he said. He not only won widespread praise from the resident masses but also praised the superior organizations. Gao Zuokuan and his party leadership team led by the military region of Henan Province for two consecutive years were commended as “outstanding party secretary” and “advanced party committee.” Critical moment dared to shout “follow me” one night in late April this year, Xiangcheng County Committee of the Standing Committee room, the atmosphere is dignified, here is an overnight emergency meeting. Half an hour ago, the county leaders received reports of the SARS outbreak in this county, the situation is different