1921年6月2日,古城安庆并不平安吉庆。这天下午,城内发生了一起骇人听闻的军阀殴杀学生事件。安庆第一师范学校学生姜高琦残遭屠戮,数十名学生被殴伤。此案一出,社会各界为之大哗,一时间愤怒讨伐之声叫起,学潮如山洪迸发。然而,这起震惊一时的血案,历时数载,久悬不决,最终不了了之,成为军阀统治年代社会黑暗的一个典型例证。 (一) 安徽自癸丑讨袁(1913)失败以后,北洋军阀倪嗣冲率部盘踞安徽,执掌军政大权,安徽进入近代以来最黑暗的时期。倪
June 2, 1921, Anqing, the ancient city is not safe auspicious. This afternoon, an alarming warlord killed a student in the city. Anqing First Normal School student Jiang Gaoqi was slaughtered, dozens of students were beaten. A case of this case, the community is a big uproar, a cry of rage cried, tide of students burst out. However, this stunned blood case took many years to endure and eventually ended up as a typical example of the social darkness of the warlord years. (1) After the defeat of Yuan and Yuan (1913) in Anhui Province, Anhui Northern Warlord Ni Si-Chong led an army in Anhui Province and took over military and political power. Anhui entered the darkest period of modern times. Ni