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高速路上突遇大火3月5日下午寒风瑟瑟,京珠高速公路一如既往的繁忙。长春顺航运输有限公司司机何庆波驾驶着牌号为“吉C30897”的货车,行驶在京珠高速公路上,18米长的大车厢满载着从广东佛山运来的高档灯具。17时45分,货车行至湖南省衡东县境内的大浦服务区。前面是一段下坡路,何庆波不敢把车开得过快,就踩了一脚刹车。车速明显慢了下来,但是经验告诉他,刹车没有回位,右后轮有点转不动。何庆波急忙跳下车来检查,才出车门他就听到“砰!砰!”两声巨响,左右后轮几乎同时爆胎。何庆波尚未弄清事情的来由,就见右后轮已经冒起了浓烟并燃起了明火,他赶紧取下车上的灭火器进行扑救。火势的发展超过了何庆波的想象,一眨眼的功夫,左后轮胎也冒出了浓浓的黑烟燃起大火。两具灭火器的药粉很快用尽,火势却并未得到有效控制。火势借助风力越来越大,并引燃了车厢底部的电路。 Sudden encounter on the highway fire On the afternoon of March 5 Cold winds, Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway, as always, busy. He Qingbo, a driver of Changchun Shunhang Transport Co., Ltd., drove a van named “Ji C30897” and traveled on the Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway. The 18-meter-long large car loaded with high-grade lamps and lanterns shipped from Foshan, Guangdong Province. At 17:45, the truck went to Dapu Service Area in Hengdong County, Hunan Province. In front of a downhill, He Qingbo not dare to drive too fast, to step on the foot brake. The speed was obviously slowed down, but experience told him that the brakes did not return, the right rear wheel a little bit not move. He Qingbo hurried off the car to check out before he heard the door “bang! Bang!” Two loud noise, about the same time the rear wheel flat tire. He Qingbo yet to find out the cause of the incident, see the right rear wheel has risen in smoke and ignited the open flame, he quickly took off the fire extinguishers on the car for fighting. The development of the fire exceeded He Qingbo’s imagination, blink of an eye, the left rear tire also emerge thick smoke lit fire. Two extinguishers quickly exhausted the powder, the fire has not been effectively controlled. With the wind more and more wind, and ignited the bottom of the compartment of the circuit.
数学建模是数学知识解决生活实际问题最直接的体现,如何提高学生使用数学知识的能力,是课程改革注重之处。 Mathematical modeling is the most direct embodiment of mathe
草纸是一种日常生活中应用十分广泛的低档纸张,可以用来包装食品、加工花炮,应用最多的是作为卫生便纸(俗称草纸)。稻草、麦草、嫩毛竹均可作原料,生产草纸唯 Grass paper i