
来源 :地震地磁观测与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:himiro
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这是一份关于美国地震监测系统的现状、需求和相关价值的评估报告。依据美国《公共法10 5 4 7》 ,本报告提出了美国国家地震监测系统的发展战略以及美国国家地震监测台网、区域地震监测台网和城市地震监测台网发展规划 ,在报告的编写过程中广泛地征求了各方面的意见。地震监测系统要及时、准确地为国家提供由于地震、海啸、火山喷发造成的人员和财产损失的信息 ,这些信息对于国家采取有效的措施减少地震造成的损失是极其重要的。美国需要建设一个综合化、现代化、标准化、稳定化的国家地震监测系统。现代化的地震监测系统可以提供 :·在几秒钟内对即将来临的强地面运动预警 ;·对地面振动的强度分布进行快速评估 ;·对海岸地震所产生的海啸预警 ;·火山喷发预警 ;·给出地震危险性评估信息 ,以改进建筑物设防标准 ;·给出地震期间建筑物响应的精确资料 ,为地震多发区工程建设服务。今天 ,美国有许多研究机构从事地震监测工作 ,而他们都面临着许多问题和挑战 ,设备老化、缺乏稳定长期的资金支持是最严重的问题。地震监测系统是基于一些分布不均匀的台网。台网的运行者考虑最多的是经费问题 ,而不是资料产出和资料服务 ,仪器设备的现代化进程缓慢。为了保证地震警报的发布 ,加快地震的快速响应和长期收集 This is an assessment of the status quo, needs and associated value of the U.S. earthquake monitoring system. According to the “Public Law 10 5 4 7” in the United States, this report presents the development strategy of the National Seismic Monitoring System of the United States and the development plans of the National Seismic Network, Regional Seismic Network and Urban Seismic Network in the United States. During the preparation of the report Various opinions were widely sought. Earthquake monitoring system to promptly and accurately provide the country due to earthquakes, tsunamis, volcano eruptions caused by the loss of property and property information, the information for the state to take effective measures to reduce the damage caused by the earthquake is extremely important. The United States needs to build a comprehensive, modern, standardized and stable national earthquake monitoring system. Modern seismic monitoring systems can provide: • Early warning of imminent strong ground motion within seconds; • Rapid assessment of ground-based intensity distributions; • Early warning of tsunamis caused by coastal earthquakes; • Early warning of volcanic eruptions; Earthquake hazard assessment information is given to improve the fortification standards for buildings; • Accurate information on building response during earthquakes is given to serve the engineering construction in areas prone to earthquakes. Today, many research institutes in the United States are engaged in earthquake monitoring. All of them face many problems and challenges. Aging equipment and the lack of stable long-term financial support are the most serious problems. Earthquake monitoring system is based on some unevenly distributed network. Network operators consider the most funding issues, rather than data output and information services, equipment, equipment, the modernization process is slow. In order to ensure the issuance of earthquake warnings, quick response and long-term collection of earthquakes are accelerated
乌蒙德佳是个很有抱负的学生,读中学时就把上大学当作人生第一目标。可是很不幸, 因为一些特别的原因,他落榜了。自此,他一蹶不振,酗酒、打牌,还一反常态地抽烟。烟头烧着被子,他还险些在火中丧生。  一天,他来到多迈河边,想投河自尽。但他会游泳,担心淹不死。于是,他一个劲儿地把河边的鹅卵石往荷包里装,几个荷包都装满了,沉沉的把身子压得趔趄起来。他的决心太大了,还嫌不够分量,于是弯下腰又捡了一颗——突然
一个男孩向祖母抱怨自己的生活多么糟糕,学校与家庭矛盾重重,还有健康问题等等。祖母这时候正在烤制蛋糕,她问男孩是否喜欢吃蛋糕,男孩回答说喜欢。   “那么吃点烹调油吧。”   “恶心。”男孩说。   “来几个生鸡蛋如何?”   “不好,奶奶!”   “那么吃点面粉?或者吃发酵用的苏打?”   “奶奶,那些东西都很难吃!”   祖母接着说:“是的,那些东西单独吃,味道都不怎么样,但把它们
本文主要研究中国审计市场上会计师事务所组织形式与审计质量之间的关系。 本文首先比较分析了合伙制和有限责任制这两种组织形式的会计师事务所的特征,认为由于合伙制会计
根据Merton(1977)提出的计算企业担保价值的模型,影响担保合同价值的最重要的因素是违约风险,且担保的价值与违约风险成反比。违约风险越大,担保的价值越低。 我国上市公司的
要约收购是指一种通过公开要约收购上市公司股权,从而获取目标公司股份的收购方式。 在我国,要约收购随着上市公司并购与重组的发展而逐步发展。1993年深圳原野成为股市第一
线辣椒新品种‘陕椒2012’用LR-03-05为母本,以育种系L-33-5为父本进行杂交和系统选育而成。株冠紧凑,株高71~75 cm,株幅30~35 cm,主茎第12、13节开花结果。果实簇生,粗线型,长