缺血性眼病是由局部和全身不同因素导致眼部血液循环障碍引起的一类眼病,病因复杂,许多疾病尚无特异性治疗方法,治疗不及时可导致视功能的不可逆损害。复方樟柳碱注射液是我国自主研发的治疗缺血性眼病的专利化学药,已广泛用于临床,取得了较好疗效,并积累了大量的临床证据。然而,由于20世纪80年代药物实验研究技术和临床检查设备条件的限制,复方樟柳碱注射液的药物作用机制研究不够深入。近年来随着科学研究的快速发展,目前通过对该药的药代动力学和药效学研究获得了其在眼周注射后的药物分布和药物代谢数据,同时对其改善微循环的药理学研究也取得了新的进展。虽然复方樟柳碱注射液已用于眼科临床,但鉴于目前该药在临床应用中还存在不够规范和适应证掌握不准确等情况,一定程度上影响了该药临床疗效和应用价值的发挥。中华医学会眼科学分会神经眼科学组和中国医药教育协会眼科专业委员会组织相关眼科专家和药学专家在该药最新药学研究和临床应用循证评价的基础上,共同制定复方樟柳碱注射液治疗常见缺血性眼病的用药共识,以对该药的临床规范应用提供参考。“,”Ischemic ophthalmopathy is a group of eye disease induced by local and systemic disturbance of blood circulation.The management of ischemic ophthalmopathy is very difficult because of complex etiological factors, multiple target tissue involvement and lack of specific treatment.Compound anisodine injection is domestically developed patented chemicals and has been widely used in the treatment of ischemic ophthalmopathy in past years.However, there are still some limitations in pharmacology study of compound anisodine injection due to the Limited conditions of laboratory research techniques and clinical examination equipments in 1980s.With the rapid development of techniques and equipments in laboratory research and clinical examination during the last decade, some updated concepts and understandings of ischemic ophthalmopathy is constantly being expanded.In recent years, the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of compound anisodine injection have been further studied and have provided new evidences of tissue distribution following local injection around the eyes.In addition, we have also realized that there are still some insufficiencies existing in clinical practice of compound anisodine injection, including nonstandard use of the drug, and indication lagging behind the clinical research progress, which to some extent affect the evaluation of therapeutic effects of compound anisodine injection.For these reasons, there is a clear necessity for the agreement and guidance on the well-conducted clinical application of compound anisodine injection in ischemic ophthalmopathy based on the Latest development of pharmaceutical research and evidence-based clinical evaluation.