电子技术的应用,正迅速改变医学诊疗的面貌,在90年代的今天,可以毫不夸张的说,如果将各种电脑诊疗仪器汇聚一堂,足可以开办一座“电脑诊所”: 电脑诊脉:日本已成功地开发出电脑诊脉软件,开办一批用电脑给病人把脉诊病的现代中医诊室。病员如需就诊,仅需填写一张调查表,余下的事即由电脑唱主角。电脑能够像一名经验丰富的名医给病员把脉,并根据脉相开出处方,快捷方便,价格低廉。
The application of electronic technology is rapidly changing the face of medical treatment. In the 90s today, it is no exaggeration to say that if you bring together a variety of computerized medical instruments, you can start a “computer clinic”: Successfully developed computer diagnostic software and set up a number of modern Chinese medical clinics that use a computer to diagnose patients with a pulse. If a patient needs medical treatment, he only needs to fill in a questionnaire and the rest will be played by the computer. The computer can be used as an experienced and well-known doctor to train patients, and formulate prescriptions based on their veins. It is quick and easy, and the price is low.