Spectral features and antibacterial properties of Cu-doped ZnO nanoparticles prepared by sol-gel met

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kof2112
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Zn_(1-x)Cu_x O(x=0.00, 0.01, 0.03, and 0.05) nanoparticles are synthesized via the sol-gel technique using gelatin and nitrate precursors. The impact of copper concentration on the structural, optical, and antibacterial properties of these nanoparticles is demonstrated. Powder x-ray diffraction investigations have illustrated the organized Cu doping into ZnO nanoparticles up to Cu concentration of 5%(x = 0.05). However, the peak corresponding to CuO for x= 0.01 is not distinguishable. The images of field emission scanning electron microscopy demonstrate the existence of a nearly spherical shape with a size in the range of 30–52 nm. Doping Cu creates the Cu–O–Zn on the surface and results in a decrease in the crystallite size. Photoluminescence and absorption spectra display that doping Cu causes an increment in the energy band gap. The antibacterial activities of the nanoparticles are examined against Escherichia coli(Gram negative bacteria)cultures using optical density at 600 nm and a comparison of the size of inhibition zone diameter. It is found that both pure and doped ZnO nanoparticles indicate appropriate antibacterial activity which rises with Cu doping. The impact of copper concentration on the structural, optical, and antibacterial properties of Zn_ (1-x) Cu_x O (x = 0.00, 0.01, 0.03, and 0.05) nanoparticles are synthesized via the sol- gel technique using gelatin and nitrate precursors These x-ray diffraction investigations have illustrated the organized Cu doping into ZnO nanoparticles up to Cu concentration of 5% (x = 0.05). However, the peak corresponding to CuO for x = 0.01 is not distinguishable. The images of field emission scanning electron microscopy demonstrate the existence of a nearly spherical shape with a size in the range of 30-52 nm. Doping Cu creates the Cu-O-Zn on the surface and results in a decrease in the crystallite size. Photoluminescence and absorption spectra display that doping Cu causes an increment in the energy band gap. The antibacterial activities of the nanoparticles are examined against Gram negative bacteria cultures using optical density at 600 n m and a comparison of the size of inhibition zone diameter. It is found that both pure and doped ZnO nanoparticles indicate appropriate antibacterial activity activity which rises with Cu doping.
今年,是邓小平同志南方谈话发表15周年,也是他逝世10周年。如果再往前回溯,一幅有趣的历史机缘映现在我们面前: 60年前——1947年,邓小平与刘伯承挥师挺进大别山,拉开了解放