人文名城 风雅桐乡

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  吴疆越界 春秋战地
  梧桐之乡 人文璀璨
  以文塑城 风雅之地
  “伯鸿系列”阅读品牌深入人心。在桐乡,每月一期的伯鸿讲堂,激发着全民追星的热潮。伯鸿讲堂是桐乡市携手中华书局开设的高层次高规格的全民公益讲座,以陆费逵先生字命名,王蒙、康震、李伯重、辛德勇等名家曾受邀现场授课。近年致力打造的伯鸿系列阅读平台,成为了桐乡最受欢迎的民心工程。2018年,率先启用的凤凰湖伯鸿城市书房,因其高顔值高品位,迅速成为桐乡市民网红打卡地,每月打卡人数达到2万人次。截至2020年底,全市建成了辐射城乡的16个伯鸿城市书房、46家伯鸿乡村书屋、46家伯鸿书屋,“十分钟阅读圈”迅速形成。桐乡还连续多年举办全国性读书大奖“伯鸿书香奖”,致力于推动全民阅读,真正让经典走进大众、让阅读成为时尚。   “地方戏剧”品牌顯露头角。运河水流淌不息,植根深厚的文脉,使桐乡的地方戏剧也一枝独秀,成为“中国新戏剧之乡”:桐乡有40多支民间戏曲艺术团队,常态化举办戏曲活动和赛事等;如承办中央电视台戏曲频道“过把瘾·桐乡行”,举办中国·桐乡小戏艺术邀请展、江浙沪现代小戏邀请赛等。培养了一批地方戏剧人才,尤其重视少儿戏曲艺术传承;培育一大批“小戏迷”,建立了5个传承基地,每年开展培训150多期,组织优秀“小戏迷”参加央视戏曲频道“一鸣惊人”大赛,有5名“小戏迷”摘得“全国少儿戏曲小梅花荟萃”金花奖;连续举办七届的乌镇戏剧节誉满全球,共有世界各地戏剧大师的118部特邀剧目在戏剧节演出,累计吸引观众超100万,已成为国际知名戏剧节,也是国内最具规模、最深入人心的戏剧节。
  随着风雅桐乡建设的深入,独具桐乡特色的文化品牌活动越来越多。 绵延永续的人文渊薮,使桐乡的风雅从骨子里透露了出来,由内而外、元气丰沛、神采飞扬。
  Tongxiang: Cultural Charm and Celebrities
  A Chinese proverb states “in heaven there is paradise, on earth Suzhou and Hangzhou”, likening the two cities in the Yangtze River Delta to heavenly beauty and prosperity. Tongxiang, a county-level city of Jiaxing in northern Zhejiang, lies between Suzhou and Hangzhou. Archaeological discoveries demonstrate that Tongxiang was home to some regional primitive cultures that date back to 5,000, 6,000, even 7,000 years ago. If Tongxiang used to be a conspicuous landmark of a civilization, then it is a city of cultural charm, historical significance and celebrities.
  A typical flatland traversed by rivers and canals, Tongxiang does not look like a strategic spot that warring states fight to seize, but about 2,500 years ago, it witnessed fierce battles between Wu State in the north and the Yue State in the South. It was the main battleground between the two archrivals. Historians and geographers can pinpoint to places in Tongxiang and say what happened there so many centuries ago. At Shimen Town, there remains a 100-meter-long, 1-meter-wide stone lane, part of a borderline of the two states. The narrow lane was flanked on either side by a stone wall. The northern wall marked the Wu and on the other side was the Yue. The borderline zigzagged across Tongxiang. Jiuligang, a river which still exists today, was part of the borderline. A bridge on the river is called Guojie Bridge, literally “state borderline bridge”. In fact, there are numerous historical sites dotted across Tongxiang. If one visits them and learn about them, one can easily string together a long story about the 30-plus years when the two states were at war with each other.
  Another important turning point in the history of Tongxiang happened during the Song Dynasty (960-1279). After the Northern Song (960-1127) crashed, the imperial house came southward and the dynasty reestablished itself in present-day Hangzhou. The new dynasty is now known as the Southern Song (1127-1279). Following the imperial house to the south were numerous people from the north. About 65 kilometers northeast of the capital city of the dynasty, Tongxiang became a place where many refugees settled down and started a new life. Zhao Ruyu, born in Tongxiang in 1140, was a child of a branch of the royal house. In 1166 he came out as examinee number one of the imperial examination. His political career climaxed when he was appointed a prime minister. Pu Feng, a high-ranking official, settled down in Tongxiang and started a business. Pu Jian, a descendant of Pu Feng, started a silk brand in the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368). The place where the Pu family lived and prospered is now known as Puyuan.   Culture came southward with the refugees. Tongxiang benefited hugely from this wave of triggered-by-war migration. Local residents of today consider the Song Dynasty as an epoch of enlightenment. In a response to the education undertakings of the Song Dynasty, schools flourished in Tongxiang in the Song and the following dynasties. The county school of Chongde, predecessor of and now part of Tongxiang, started in 1085. The county school of Tongxiang started in 1430 when Tongxiang County was set up. Fu Guang of the Song Dynasty and Zhang Lyuxiang of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), both natives of Tongxiang, were two of the 156 Confucian scholars and masters officially honored in the Confucius Temple in the dynasties of the feudal China. Of the 156, four were from Jiaxing; of the four, two were from Tongxiang, part of Jiaxing.
  Strangely enough, Fu Guang and Zhang Lyuxiang honored at the Confucius Temple are not the most famous stars of Tongxiang. Lyu Liuliang (1624-1683), a scholar, poet, publisher, literary critic, philosopher of the Qing Dynasty, is a historical figure better renowned than the two. Moreover, Tongxiang has produced a galaxy of celebrities and historical figures since the end of the Qing Dynasty in 1911.
  Tongxiang now promotes its cultural legacy proudly and untiringly. The city’s cultural undertakings focus on cultural celebrities, books, and regional theater. The former residence of Mao Dun in Wuzhen, the former residence of Feng Zhikai in Shimen, and Juntao Art Academy in the city proper of Tongxiang are the best known celebrity-themed places in Tongxiang. Newly added to the celebrity-related institutions are Hou Bo & Xu Xiaobing Photography Museum, the former residence of Jin Zhonghua, Mu Xin Art Museum, and Wu Peng Art Academy. The construction of Feng Zikai Art Center, with an investment of 1.5 billion yuan, started at the end of 2020. In fact, Tongxiang has the largest number of class-three museums in the province. The city holds numerous exhibitions a year. In 2019, the exhibitions and similar events in Tongxiang attracted 6.56 million visitors. Wuzhen, a canal town where the former residence of Mao Dun is located, pulls in five million visitors a year. Many of the events and exhibitions are held to honor cultural celebrities of Tongxiang. For example, two literary prizes are issued respectively to young writers and young novelists whose works are first published online in the name of Mao Dun, a national cartoon exhibition and an essay competition are held in the name of Feng Zikai. An exhibition of documentary photography is held in honor of Xu Xiaobing, a revolutionary photo journalist famed for his historical photos.   Lufei Kui (1886-1941), a native of Tongxiang, was a publisher and educator. In 1912, he founded Zhonghua Book Company, which is one of the most prestigious publishing houses in China engaged in printing classical and traditional studies and dictionaries. The book-reading project in Tongxiang is named after him. In partnership with Zhonghua Book Company, Tongxiang holds a regular lecture at which some cultural celebrities and masters have spoken. In 2018, the city set up a series of public reading rooms across Tongxiang. Nowadays, there are 112 libraries and reading rooms in the rural and urban regions of Tongxiang. These facilities receive about 2.5 million visits a year.
  Tongxiang celebrates its tradition and culture by conducting a theater project. The centerpiece is Wuzhen Theater Festival inaugurated in 2014. So far, the event has staged 118 plays by international troupes and counted one million theatergoers. It is the most influential and largest theater festival in China. Moreover, the city has 40-plus folk troupes that stage performances regularly. The city also conducts a series of training and competition for young theater talents. Five youngsters from Tongxiang have won awards at the national theater performance competition for youngsters.
帅气、谦逊、随和、儒雅,这是Christian Thomasberger先生带给我们的第一印象,他递过来的名片上有一个中文名字叫“钱战”,他说自己愿意随时接受挑战。1987年,他以实习生的身份在奥地利维也纳Sacher Hotel酒店开始酒店职业生涯的挑战,随后的30年,从餐饮基层员工稳步升至管理岗位,工作足迹遍及西班牙、塞浦路斯、埃及和突尼斯等国。去年11月,钱战被任命为杭州奥克伍德国际酒店公寓
牛來运转,牛年寓意丰收的希望、幸福的憧憬以及对风调雨顺的祈求。寓意吉祥的刺绣围巾梭织肌理更细腻亲肤,呈现了围巾织物的丰厚绒质与舒适触感,粗线条渐变色立体演绎“牛”气威风、摇曳尾巴虎虎生风。  刺绣围巾暖意融融、光泽盈盈,柔软顺滑,细穗摆动间,化为浪漫的延伸,每一个细节都包含对新春佳节的期许。绿色的生活是诗意的生活,冬日暖阳温柔和煦,给人们带来温暖。  充满年味的归途福牛围巾,诉说着牛年的团聚喜乐,
在古运河畔的桐乡石门湾,一泓绿水,孕育了一位戴着圆形眼镜、抚着银白长髯,欣然微笑、逍遥自在的智者——丰子恺。  石门湾的缘缘堂,是这位淡泊悠然、率真本色的中国传统文人的精神栖憩之地。正直、高大、轩敞、明爽的缘缘堂,是丰子恺亲自设计的三楹高楼。他对缘缘堂的珍惜与喜爱,决非常人可以体察。他在文章中写道:“但倘使秦始皇要拿阿房宫来同我交换、石季伦愿把金谷园来和我对调,我决不同意。”  高楼三楹、朴素轩敞
绿树碧水、古朴石桥、粉墙黛瓦、廊棚水阁……无不透露出乌镇这个江南古镇的万千神韵。“唐代银杏宛在,昭明书室依稀。”茅盾在《可爱的家乡》中如是写道,对于家乡乌镇的深情怀念跃然纸上。读过茅盾的《林家铺子》、《春蚕》等小说作品,我们便会深信,每一个作家的故乡,永远是其创作的灵感与源泉。  柔碧而灵动的江南水是乌镇的灵魂,而一座座古桥、一条条小巷便是乌镇的筋脉,古镇的四肢百骸就这样生动起来,秀丽而温情。小桥
三是多元文化并存  宋是一个尊崇儒学的时代,同时也是一个重佛尚道的时代。统治者的治国理念,始终是在儒家思想主导下实行儒、释、道三教同存并举、相互促进的政策。这不仅使中国古代的传统儒学发生了重大的变革,使宋代士人不同于以往的终信一家、死守一经,而是“自百家诸子之书,至于《难经》《素问》《本草》诸小说,无所不读;农夫女工,无所不问,然后于经为能知其大体而无疑”(王安石《答曾子固书》),从而使得宋代文化
又到江南赏梅时。说到赏梅,杭州孤山的梅花特别出名。  梅不是特别难栽种的植物,因而天下梅花盛开之地多了去了。为什么说杭州孤山的梅花特别出名呢?因为有诗、有故事。这当中,首屈一指的当然是北宋林逋(林和靖)“梅妻鹤子”的故事,还有他的诗《山园小梅二首》。  其实,在林和靖之前,杭州的“老市长”白居易就已经给孤山的梅花作了“推广”,有诗《忆杭州梅花因叙旧游寄萧协律》为证:  三年闲闷在余杭,曾为梅花醉几
金牛奮蹄开锦绣,农历辛丑年到来了。牛是吃苦耐劳、努力奋进的象征,牛气冲天、壮气吞牛、气冲斗牛等“牛”的祝福语铺天盖地,关于牛的创意物件也闪亮登场,寓意人们迫不及待地欢迎蕴含着“牛”味的新年,期待“牛”转乾坤行大运,踏上新征程,拥抱新希望。  Innovative Images in the Year of the Ox  2021 marks the Year of the Ox on Chine
“詩画浙江”全球朋友圈越来越大  2021年新年伊始,来自浙江的新晋世界文化遗产、“网红”——良渚古城遗址,在巴黎中国文化中心的推特和脸书上掀起一波热潮:运营帖仅发布一周就覆盖了15万人次。  不仅是巴黎,1月1日起,“云上泽国——良渚文明线上主题展”在全球43个中国文化中心平台同步启动,为浙江文旅的传播、推广打开一扇窗。通过先进的交互技术和沉浸式体验,一幅五千年前的生活画卷徐徐展开,让良渚这张“
藏书是我国固有的文化传统,浙江则是有名的“藏书之乡”。历史悠久、传统源远流长,是浙江文化的一大特色。藏书分官府、私人、学校书院、佛寺道观四类,各有特色,而私人藏书是其主流,现简而述之。  会稽钱塘吴兴 浙藏之源  从时间和地域看,早在汉代,吾浙即有私人藏书活动,王充《论衡》手稿抄本的流传即开其端。  王充(27-约97),浙江上虞人,著作以《论衡》名世。他是著名的唯物主义者,《论衡》为人所重,当世
2001年,那是我第一次來中国海宁旅行。那时,我还在澳洲悉尼的一所皮革化工厂工作。我在悉尼当地(我的居住地)有认识一位德国的朋友,他告诉我,他正在浙江海宁的卡森公司工作并且分享了工作上的收获和与之带来的自豪感。得知此事,我毅然决然地飞往上海,想要一睹那家公司的风采。一下飞机,我马上打了辆出租车直达海宁。我在中国的旅行,就在海宁拉开了序幕……  一年以后,应卡森先生邀请,我入职于浙江卡森实业集团有限