久违的欣喜!只因这文章出自中学生之手 ,本刊的中学生习作乐园——“涩苹果”栏目 ,又有望焕发新的生机了。此文作者方蓉的老师在向本刊推荐这篇文章时说 :“她对历史很感兴趣 ,经常和我交流……替她投稿 ,如果能用 ,对学生一定是个很大的鼓舞 ,不能用也算是一种尝试吧。”尽管这位老师没有留下自己的名字 ,但是这位老师通过与学生的“互动” ,已经促使学生在探究性学习上 ,迈开了大大的一步 ,因而是颇值得敬重的。但愿有更多的老师能够引领学生做更多的尝试 ,本刊愿为这种尝试提供力所能及的支援———“涩苹果”栏目欢迎更多的老师指导和鼓励自己的学生撰稿投稿 ,也欢迎中学生朋友以优秀习作毛遂自荐 !
Reluctantly pleased! Because this article is from the hands of high school students, this issue of high school students learning paradise - “Shibuya” section, is expected to rejuvenate the new vitality. When the author of this article, Fang Rong, recommended this article to the magazine, she said: “She is very interested in history and often exchanges with me ... Submitted for her, if can be used, it must be a great encouragement to students, can not Use is also a try. ”Although the teacher did not leave his name, but the teacher through the“ interaction ”with the students, has prompted students to explore the learning, took a big step, so is Quite respectable. I hope more teachers can lead students to do more attempts, the magazine is willing to give such attempts try to provide the best possible support --- “Shibuya” column to welcome more teachers to guide and encourage their students contribute contributions, Students are welcome to high school students volunteered for excellent work!