10月12日,山东青岛奥戈瑞集团与印度尼西亚PT.Wealth Vorich Indo轮胎制造项目签约仪式在印尼举行。中国驻印尼大使刘建超、中国驻东盟使团李名刚、印尼工业部长代表易·古斯迪·布杜·苏尔雅威雅曼等见证了签约仪式。该项目总投资达5亿美元,生产指标为年产量700万条轮胎,包括200万条卡车与大巴用轮胎,以及500万条乘用车轮胎。
On October 12, the signing ceremony of the Oregon Group of Shandong Qingdao and the PT.Wealth Vorich Indo tire manufacturing project in Indonesia was held in Indonesia. Chinese Ambassador to Indonesia Liu Jianchao, Chinese ambassador to ASEAN Li Mingang, Indonesian Minister of Industry, Yi Gusty Bedouh Suria Weiyaman and others witnessed the signing ceremony. With a total investment of 500 million U.S. dollars, the project will produce 7 million tires a year, including 2 million trucks for trucks and buses, and 5 million passenger cars.