我是军人出身,1949年参军,当过运动员;1960年开始担任八一跳水队领队兼教练,1970年调到国家队担任领队。至今做领队已有30个年头了。 30年的工作实践使我悟出这样一个道理:思想政治工作无论是在部队还是在地方,都是缺少不了的。作为一名领队,就是要带队伍沿着正确的道路前进。具体地说,就是要把握好运动队的政治方向、思想素质和训练作风。而领队本人,更应当处处以身作则,给运动员、教练员做表率。我从当领队的第一天起,就下决心做一个热爱
I was a military origin, joined the army in 1949, was a sportsman; 1960 served as the captain and coach of the August 1 diving team, transferred to the national team in 1970 as a leader. Team leader has been 30 years ago. Thirty years of working practice have led me to realize the truth that ideological and political work is inseparable both in the military and in the localities. As a leader, it is to bring the team along the right path. Specifically, it is necessary to grasp the sports team’s political orientation, ideological quality and training style. The leader himself, but also everywhere should lead by example, to athletes, coaches to set an example. From the very first day when I was the team leader, I decided to make a passion