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公路持续快速发展对经济高速增长起到不可估量的推动作用;但是,我们也应面对因勘察、设计、施工和监理环节存在的某些问题,致使路面出现陷坑和裂缝病害。某些病害在交工后不久就较为严重,对此不得不进行处理,虽然不断加大处理力度但仍得不到有效结果,这即是人们称之为“豆腐渣工程”。陷坑、裂缝是常见公路路面病害,笔者基于多年来对公路路面病害的调查资料和处治的实践经验总结,可供公路工程勘察、设计、施工、监理借鉴参考。 The sustained and rapid development of highways has played an inestimable role in promoting the rapid economic growth. However, we should also face some problems caused by the investigation, design, construction and supervision so as to cause potholes and cracks in the roads. Some diseases were severely damaged shortly after delivery, and they had to be dealt with. Although the treatment was intensified, effective results were still not obtained. This is what people call “bean curd engineering”. The pit and the crack are the common road pavement diseases. Based on the investigation data of the road pavement diseases for many years and the practical experience of the treatment, the author can make reference for the highway engineering survey, design, construction and supervision.
针对现有配电网韧性研究未充分考虑需求侧资源价值的问题,提出了一种新的利用需求侧智能楼宇(smart building,SB)实现供电韧性的解决方案.首先,基于SB中能量转换存储设备的可
外界环境改变以及功率器件老化等因素,会不可避免地导致电力机车单相脉冲宽度调制(pulse width modulation,PWM)整流器系统网侧电路参数发生变化,这一现象易影响整流器系统控
直流固态变压器(DC solid state transformer,DCSST)作为直流微电网中的重要组成部分,通常采用输入均压环和输出电压环结合的双环解耦控制策略,该控制策略在每个双有源全桥变