日光温室黄瓜嫁接技术是温室黄瓜栽培的重要措施之一。一般是用黑籽南瓜做钻木,黄瓜做接穗进行嫁接。由于其具有多方面的优点,目前已被普遍推广应用。嫁接主要有以下几个方面的作用: 1.克服黄瓜连作障害 连作的黄瓜,根系的吸收功能受到抑制,地上部生长不旺盛,或出现种种生理病害症状,称为连作障害。嫁接相当于进行一次轮作,对克服连作障害有利。
Solar greenhouse cucumber grafting technology is one of the important measures of greenhouse cucumber cultivation. Dried wood is generally done with black-seed pumpkin, scion made of cucumber grafting. Because of its many advantages, it has been widely promoted. Grafting mainly in the following aspects: 1 to overcome continuous cucumber continuous crop cucumber, root absorption is inhibited, the growth of the ground is not strong, or a variety of physiological and disease symptoms, known as the continuous cropping obstacle. Grafting is equivalent to a rotation, which is good for overcoming contingencies.