外滩 外滩,有两张面孔。白天,在中山东一路的西侧,满眼是神色匆匆的白领;傍晚,在靠近黄浦江的一侧,满目都是悠闲自在的情侣。一面,是各大银行高高的门槛;另一面,却是经久不衰的情人墙。当国庆、元旦等节日的夜幕降临时,灯火通明,狂欢的人流把两面紧紧地结合在一起。这,或许就是外滩最平易近人的时候。
Bund Bund, has two faces. During the day, all the way to the west side of Zhongshan East, full of eyes is a look of white-collar workers in the rush; in the evening, near the Huangpu River side, all are leisurely couple. On the one hand, is the high threshold of major banks; the other hand, it is enduring lover wall. When the National Day, New Year’s Day and other night falls, the brightly lit, carnival flow of people on both sides tightly together. This is probably the easiest time for the Bund.