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1994年4月18日~24日是日本国第35届科技周。应日本科技厅之邀,中国科协考察团先后访问了东京、筑波、奈良和大阪市。 1960年,日本内阁在制定战后第一个科技发展规划时,提出了振兴科技的六项措施,作出了开展科技周的决定:“为加深全体国民对科技的关心和理解,进一步振兴我国的科技,决定设立科学技术周。” 35年来,“科学技术是国家发展之本”、“与时间赛跑,用科学奔向未来”等科技周主题口号引导、鼓舞着日本人民用双手和智慧创造自己美好的家园,使我们从一个侧面看到了这个民族得以立于世界前列的基础。 1987年以来,在中国主要城市的一些省、自治区连续举办了“科普周”、“科普之夏”等大型科普宣传活动,对提高全民族的科技意识起到了积极的推动作用,但应该看到提高全民族的科学文化素质仍是一项急需进行的艰巨而有历史意义的重任,需要各级领导和社会的参与、支持。 为把日本科技周的情况介绍给国人,本刊特邀中国科协普及部同志将所见所闻整理如后。希望通过此文使社会各界人士更加重视提高全民科学素质。我们愿与共和国的科学家和广大科技工作者一起把普及科学知识当作义不容辞的责任,也愿社会各界都来支持和开展科学普及活动。 April 18, 1994 to 24 is Japan's 35th Technology Week. At the invitation of the Japan Science and Technology Agency, the delegation of China Association for Science and Technology visited Tokyo, Tsukuba, Nara and Osaka successively. In 1960, when formulating the first science and technology development plan for the post-war period, the cabinet of Japan proposed six measures for rejuvenating science and technology and made a decision on launching the Technology Week: “In order to deepen the concern and understanding of all the people in science and technology and further rejuvenate our country Science and technology and decided to set up the Week of Science and Technology. ”Over the past 35 years, the guideline of“ science and technology are the basis of national development, ”“ race against time and run toward the future with science, ”led by the slogan of Science and Technology Week and encouraged Japanese people to create themselves with their hands and wisdom A beautiful homeland enables us to see from one side the basis for this nation to stand at the forefront of the world. Since 1987, large-scale science popularization activities such as Popular Science Week and Popular Science Summer Festival have been held in some provinces and autonomous regions of major cities in China, playing a positive role in promoting scientific and technological awareness of the entire nation. However, it should be noted To raise the scientific and cultural qualities of the entire nation is still an arduous and historic task urgently needed and requires the participation and support of leaders at all levels and the society. In order to introduce the situation of Japanese science and technology week to the people, this magazine invited comrades of China Association for Science and Technology to popularize everything we have seen and heard. We hope that through this article, people from all walks of life will pay more attention to improving the scientific quality of all citizens. We are willing to work with Republic scientists and scientists to popularize scientific knowledge as an integral part of our responsibility. We also hope that all sectors of society will support and carry out scientific popularization activities.
今天妈妈不让我和哥哥看电视,我和哥哥就决定自己演电视节目,观众有小蓝猫、鹅鹅、盲盲。电视开始了。我坐在椅子上做动作,哥 Today, my mother will not let me and my br
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吉安县敦厚中心小学地处城乡接合部,下辖1个完小,2个村小。全镇小学生共1 791人,教师85人。自吉安县实行督学责任区制度以来,该校通过督导进一步深化学校课堂教学改革,通过督