积极心理学是二十世纪末产生于美国的一种新的研究范式,是宾西法尼亚大学教授塞里格曼(Martin E.Seligman)于1998年出任美国心理学会主席时倡议及定位的,塞里格曼和西卡森特米哈伊(M. Csik-szentmihalyi)于2000年在《美国心理学家》上刊登的《积极心理学导论》一文中正式提出来的。以塞里格曼和西卡森特米哈伊为代表的一大批心理
Positive psychology is a new research paradigm that originated in the United States in the late twentieth century. It was proposed and positioned by Martin E. Seligman, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, when he assumed the chairmanship of the American Psychological Association Legheim and M. Csik-szentmihalyi were formally put forward in the 2000 Introduction to Positive Psychology published by American Psychologist. A large number of psychology, represented by Selegigman and West Cashew