肺孢子虫(Pneumocystis)是1909年Chagas 氏首先在豚鼠肺涂片中发现的。1910年 Carini 在大鼠肺中发现同样虫体。1912年 Delano 夫妇在大鼠肺中发现本虫的包囊,定名为卡氏肺孢子虫(Pneumocystisearinii),从人体发现本虫最早的报告是1942年 Van der Meer 等氏在一例先天性心脏缺损的病儿肺中检获,随后在2例成人的肺中查到本虫,但对其病原性尚不了解。至1952年 Vank 和 Jirovec 氏在16例患间质性浆细胞性肺炎死亡的小儿肺泡渗出液中发现卡氏肺孢子虫,确定本虫为间质性浆细胞性肺炎的病原体。由于 P.carinii 的形态和生活史还未完全了解,培养又未成功,故其分类地位属原虫或真菌尚无定论;但大多数学者支持原虫说。Faust(1970) 把 P.car-inii 列为原生动物门、孢子虫亚门、单孢子虫
Pneumocystis was first discovered by Chagas in 1909 in guinea pig lung smear. In 1910 Carini found the same worm in rat lungs. 1912 Delano couple found in the rat lung cysts of this worm, named Pneumocystis carinii (Pneumocystisarinii), from the human body found the first report of this worm is Van der Meer et al in 1942 in a case of congenital heart defects Sick children lung seizure, followed by two adults in the lungs found the worm, but its pathogenicity is not yet understood. By 1952, Vank and Jirovec’s discovered Pneumocystis carinii in 16 alveolar exudates in children with an episode of interstitial plasma pneumonitis, confirming that this was the causative agent of interstitial plasma cell pneumonia. Since the morphology and life history of P.carinii have not yet been fully understood and their cultivation unsuccessful, the taxonomic status of P.carinii is still unknown; however, most scholars support protozoa. Faust (1970) listed P.car-inii as Protozoa, Ascosporidium,