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现在,大陆和香港不少机构都在深入研究“九七”将对香港经济产生什么样的影响。由一群香港工商、专业界精英组成的团体——香港工商专联曾在年前的一份题为《香港二十一:展望香港经济十年路向》的专题报告中明确提出:“香港经济的持续繁荣并不是必然的。在过渡期及九七年之后,香港经济会面对空前严峻的挑战”。它认为“香港主权回归中国,绝不会削弱香港的地区性地位,也不会损害港人的生活方式。”从另一方面看,主权的回归,将会“加强香港的竞争力。只要香港能够维持其商业都会的领导地位,她将会得到更佳的人力资源和土地供应”;还会“增进香港的经济繁荣。如果香港能抓紧机会,推动中国工业市场化的发展,并将香港的服务经济模式与华南的生产基地结合起来,香港将会有一个异常庞大的消费者市场”。那么,以国内人的观点来看待香港的九七回归,又何尝不是如此呢?对内地而言,九七不仅是香港经济进一步发展的良机,也为内地经济的更加开放和稳步增长开辟了广泛的领域。 Now, many organizations in mainland China and Hong Kong are studying in depth the impact that “1997” will have on Hong Kong’s economy. Hong Kong Federation of Industry and Commerce, a group of Hong Kong business and professional elites, said in a special report entitled “Hong Kong’s Twenty-one: Looking forward to the Ten-year Roadmap of Hong Kong’s Economy” a year ago: “The economy of Hong Kong Of the continuous prosperity is not inevitable .In the transitional period and after 1997, Hong Kong’s economy will face unprecedented challenges. ” It believes that “the return of Hong Kong’s sovereignty to China will by no means weaken the regional status of Hong Kong and will not harm the lifestyle of Hong Kong people.” “On the other hand, the return of sovereignty will” strengthen Hong Kong’s competitiveness As long as Hong Kong can maintain its leading position in the commercial city, she will have better human resources and land supply, “” and will “enhance Hong Kong’s economic prosperity.” If Hong Kong can seize the opportunity to promote the development of China’s industrial marketization And combine the service economy model of Hong Kong with the production base in southern China, Hong Kong will have an unusually large consumer market. " Then, from a national point of view, is it not true that Hong Kong will return to the Mainland in 1997? For the Mainland, 1997 is not only a good opportunity for the further development of Hong Kong’s economy, but also opens up a broader area for the more open and steady growth of the Mainland’s economy field.
Highly c-axis oriented ZnO thin films were deposited on Si substrates by the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) method. At different growth temperatures,200 nm silve
在跨栏跑教学中,为使学生能迅速、准确、轻松地跨过栏架,笔者根据多年的教学经验,把教学与训练中的一些感悟梳理成文与同行们共同探讨。 In hurdle teaching, in order to e