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福建三明米槠次生林皆伐后形成人促更新幼林(AR)与米槠人工幼林(CC)、杉木人工幼林(CL),以保留的米槠次生林(CK)为对照,利用微根管法比较不同更新方式初期细根(直径≤2 mm)生物量和生产力的差异.结果表明:1年内,AR、CC、CL和CK细根的年均生物量分别为422.5、253.1、197.2和162.8 g·m-2.4种林分细根总生产力大小为:AR(284.0g·m-2·a-1)>CC(182.6 g·m-2·a-1)>CL(136.7 g·m-2·a-1)>CK(15.4 g·m-2·a-1).AR和CC春季生产力最大,CL秋季最大,CK冬季最大.CC表现为其他植物细根生产力多于目标树种,CL表现为目标树种细根生产力多于其他植物.AR和CC总细根的月生产力与各月降水量呈显著正相关,CL的其他植物细根月生产力与月均气温呈显著正相关.3种更新方式下幼林细根的年生产力和年均生物量都以20~40 cm土层最大,且以0~1 mm细根占主体.采用人促更新方式的幼林细根生物量和生产力大于人工更新方式的幼林,人促更新方式更有利于增加林地有机物归还、提高土壤肥力、维持较高生产力和降低更新初期林地碳源. After the secondary cutting of secondary forest in Sanming, Fujian Province, the regeneration-promoting young plantation (AR) and the young plantation (CC) and young Chinese fir plantation (CL) were used to compare with the retained secondary plantation (CK) The results showed that the annual average biomass of fine roots of AR, CC, CL and CK were 422.5, 253.1, 197.2 and 162.8 g · in 1 year, respectively The total fine root productivity of m-2.4 stands was as follows: AR (284.0g · m -2 · a -1)> CC (182.6 g · m -2 · a -1)> CL (136.7 g · m -2 · (15.4 g · m-2 · a-1) .AR and CC had the highest spring productivity, the largest CL and the highest winter in CK.The CC showed that the productivity of the fine roots of other plants was more than that of the target tree, The fine root productivity of the target species was more than that of other plants.The monthly productivity of total fine roots of AR and CC had a significant positive correlation with the monthly precipitation.The monthly productivity of other fine roots of CL was positively correlated with the monthly mean temperature The annual productivity and average annual biomass of fine roots of young plantations were the largest in 20 ~ 40 cm soil layer, while the fine roots of 0 ~ 1 mm accounted for the main body. The fine root biomass and productivity of young plantations were higher than that of artificial regeneration Of Young, who is more conducive to promoting regeneration of forest land to increase the return of organic matter to improve soil fertility, maintain higher productivity and lower initial update of forest carbon source.
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