本文是研读刘勰《文心雕龙》时的断想随笔。主要系有感于当时的社会生活环境 ,尤其是文化思想界的一些较为流行的思潮和主张 ,对《文心雕龙》一书的问世 ,以及对书中的部份内容所起到的比较直接、重要的影响 ,谈谈自己的一些心得与感想
This essay is an essay on studying Liu Xie’s Wen Xin Diao Long. Mainly due to the social environment at the time, especially some of the more popular ideological thinking and ideas in the field of culture, the “The Literary Mind and the Carving of the Dragon,” the advent of a book, as well as the contents of the book played by the comparison Direct, important impact, talk about some of their own feelings and feelings