自1961年发现恶性疟的抗氯喹虫株以来,抗药性疟疾日益增多,有的地区已严重到必须改变常规治疗的地步。因此,除了积极发展新药之外,还应当重视联合用药,力求更合理地利用现有药物,使之发挥更有效的抗疟作用,并防止产生抗药性。一、疟原虫的抗药性及其特点 (一)疟原虫可产生抗药性的药物已经证实,恶性疟原虫对几乎所有的抗疟药都能产
Since the anti-chloroquine-resistant strain of falciparum malaria was found in 1961, there has been an increase in drug-resistant malaria and in some areas the severity of the need to change routine treatment has been severe. Therefore, in addition to actively developing new drugs, more attention should be paid to the combination of drugs so as to make more rational use of existing drugs to make them more effective in fighting malaria and to prevent the development of drug resistance. First, the resistance of Plasmodium and its characteristics (A) can be produced by Plasmodium drug-resistant drugs have been confirmed that Plasmodium falciparum almost all of the antimalarial drug can produce