Adhesion Wear on Tool Rake and Flank Faces in Dry Cutting of Ti-6Al-4V

来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wocaonimababa
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Titanium alloys are very chemically reactive and,therefore,have a tendency to weld to the cutting tool during machining.The deterioration in the tool life caused by adhesion is a serious problem when titanium alloys are cut using carbide tools.The chemical reactivity of titanium alloys with carbide tool materials and their consequent welding by adhesion onto the cutting tool during dry cutting leads to excessive chipping,premature tool failure,and poor surface finish.In the present study,dry turning and milling tests were carried out on Ti-6Al-4V alloys with WC?Co carbide tools.The adhesion on the tool rake and flank face was explored,the adhesive joint interface between the workpiece materials and tools were observed.SEM observation showed that adhesion can be observed both on the rake and the flank face,and was more pronounced in rake face than in flank face.There was evidence of element diffusion from the tool rake face to the adhering layer(vice versa) through the adhesive joint interface,which leads to the tool element loss and microstructure change.While the adhering materials at the flank face can be easily separated from the joint interface owing to the lower temperature and less pressure at the flank face,the adhesive wear attack results in an abrasive wear in the flank face.Moreover,adhesion is more notable in turning than in milling.The proposed research provides references for studying the adhesion between the workpiece materials and the tools,the adhesion mechanisms and their effect on the tool wear. Titanium alloys are very chemically reactive and, therefore, have a tendency to weld to the cutting tool during machining. Deterioration in the tool life caused by adhesion is a serious problem when titanium alloys are cut using carbide tools. Chemical reactivity of titanium alloys with carbide tool materials and their consequent welding by adhesion onto the cutting tool during dry cutting leads to excessive chipping, premature tool failure, and poor surface finish. the present study, dry turning and milling tests were carried out on Ti-6A1-4V alloys with WC? Co carbide tools. adhesion on the tool rake and flank face was explored, the adhesive joint interface between the workpiece materials and tools were observed. SEM observation showed that adhesion can be observed both on the rake and the flank face, and was more pronounced in rake face than in flank face. where was evidence of element diffusion from the tool rake face to the adhering layer (vice versa) through the adhesive joint in terface, which leads to the tool element loss and microstructure change. Whilst the adhering materials at the flank face can be easily separated from the joint interface due to the lower temperature and less pressure at the flank face, the adhesive wear attack results in an abrasive wear in the flank face. Moreover, adhesion is more not able in turning than in milling. The proposed research provides references for studying the adhesion between the workpiece materials and the tools, the adhesion mechanisms and their effect on the tool wear.
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