Filtering Location Optimization for Defending Against Large-Scale BDoS Attacks

来源 :Chinese Journal of Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lichunhui128
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This paper focuses on selecting the appropriate filtering location to minimize the amount of filtering routers in the traceback-based packet filtering for defending against the large-scale Bandwidth denial-of-service(BDo S) attacks.The filtering location can be viewed as a resource allocation problem and further we formulate it to an integer linear programming model and design an exact and computationally efficient filtering location algorithm.The evaluation results show that our algorithm brings significant benefits in practice. This paper focuses on selecting the appropriate filtering location to minimize the amount of filtering routers in the traceback-based packet filtering for defending against the large-scale Bandwidth denial-of-service (BDoS) attacks.The filtering location can be viewed as a resource allocation problem and further we formulate it to an integer linear programming model and design an exact and computationally efficient filter location algorithm. The evaluation results show that our algorithm brings significant benefits in practice.
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