一 《苏联游记》是高尔基有名的一组特写。一共有五篇,发表在1929年《我们的成就》这个专登特写的杂志上。 早在1927年,当高尔基还住在意大利时,就渴望回到苏联到各地去旅行,并且想写一本反映祖国新貌的书。1928年春,他回到祖国后、进行了两次长途旅行。他到过伏尔加、乌克兰,克里木及高加索等地,足迹遍于全国。他看到了他的祖国起了天翻地覆的变化,他看到了朝气蓬勃的建设新生活的人民。他在异常激动的心情中写出了《苏联游记》这一组优美的特写。
A “Soviet Travels” is Gorky’s famous set of features. A total of five, published in the 1929 “Our Achievements” special edition magazine. As early as 1927, while Gorky was still living in Italy, he was eager to travel back to the Soviet Union and wanted to write a book reflecting the new look of the motherland. In the spring of 1928, after returning to the motherland, he made two long trips. He traveled to places like Volga, Ukraine, the Crimean and the Caucasus, and traveled all over the country. He saw the earth-shaking changes in his motherland and saw the vibrant people who built a new life. In a very excited mood, he wrote a beautiful feature of this group of “Soviet Travels.”