In addition to having to have advanced electrical properties of any electrical products, but also must have a high level of reliability, in a sense, stable and reliable is more important in order to understand the Nanjing Institute of solid state equipment, the reliability of some products, GaAs three centimeters avalanche injection lock-in amplifier for a long-term working life test.Developed stereotyped WFB52 GaAs three centimeters avalanche injection lock-in amplifier was selected as a test sample in 1980. In addition to the selection of two genuine, but also the selection of four sub-products, a total of 6 into the long-term working life test.The so-called vice product is the center frequency and output power slightly deviate from the technical specifications of the product specifications.Avaporative injection lock-in amplifier requires constant current source power supply, the design of the constant current source should be Avalanche tube current The ambient temperature increases slightly down.This will not only reduce the output power changes with the ambient temperature, but also reduces the high temperature avalanche diode DC power consumption.This greatly improves the avalanche injection lock-in amplifier work stability. Long-term working life Test circuit shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2.