A Brief Literature Review of Brain and Language

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  【Abstract】Advanced brains and their sophisticated production: languages, have fundamentally differed human from any other species of animals on this planet. Therefore, the relationship between language and human brain has become one of the principal focus of academic research. Scientists are intensely curious about what it is that makes our human brains fertile enough to yield the complicated functions of languages? How many benefits have we obtained from our brains and our languages? Through countless fruitful studies, we are now approaching closer and closer toward the answers to these questions.This paper reviews articles and academic reports introducing some basic or detailed information on the relationship between brain and language.
  【Key words】Brain; Language; Literature; information
  【作者簡介】Zhang Xiangnan, School of Humanities of Gansu University of Political Science and Law.
  Studies led by Aron Barbey, William W. Graves, Viorica Marian and a few other researchers all pay their attentions on some of the specific areas which may directly related to language input and output.
  Professor Aron Barbey’s study is on the basis of “discourse comprehension”. It is an ability which connects to a certain type of activity in human brain.In Aron Barbey’s opinion, this ability is a hallmark of the human mind and central to everyday social life. Thus, the purpose of the professor’s research is to investigate the brain regions that underlie discourse comprehension. With his team, Barbey previously have mapped general intelligence, emotional intelligence and a host of other high-level cognitive functions in the relative areas in cortex. This time, he is trying to identify a network of brain areas in the frontal and parietal cortex that are essential to discourse comprehension. Undoubtedly, he has reached significant results. According to these results, Professor Aron Barbey claims that discourse comprehension depends on an executive control network that helps integrate incoming language with prior knowledge and experience. He further explains that executive control, also known as executive function, refers to the ability to plan, organize and regulate one’s behavior. By suggesting that core elements of discourse processing emerge from a network of brain regions that support language procession and executive functions, this study helps people understand the neural foundations of discourse comprehension. It is believed that the findings of this study will offer new insights into basic questions about the nature of discourse comprehension and can offer new targets for clinical interventions to help patients with cognitive-communication disorders.   Aron Barbey’s studies have discussed the possible relationship between language and some certain areas in human brains.
  Charan Ranganath and John Hewitt’s research, whereas, have probed some factors which may boost our brains and thus make learning easier and more enjoyable.The core of Charan Ranganath’s study is curiosity. He believes that curiosity helps people to remember things more quickly and for longer time. In fact, curiosity can be regarded as one of the individually different factors that may influence learning. When a learner is highly curious about how the language that he is learning works and functions, it will be naturally more possible for him to learn the language more actively. Intentionally, he will try different learning styles and adopt the one which fits him most. The learner’s learning motivation is strong and full of power, and he probably will hold optimistic attitude toward any difficulties and obstacles he may come across during his learning.
  Similar with Charan Ranganath’s study, John Hewitt, a neuroscientist who studies the biology of intelligence, also undertakes comprehensive studies on some factors which may stimulate learning process. He used to believe that intelligence has a strong biological component, which means that if a person’s parents are smart, that person will probably be smart – even without a lot of fuss about the right schools and learning environments. However recently, during his study, Hewitt has discovered something that surprised him. The study brings him and his team a new understanding of the interplay between a person’s genetic inheritance and how that person learns from the environment. Researchers begins their study from language learning. A well-known common sense underlies the study: both children and adults learn things, but children are better than adults at some kinds of learning, especially learning a new language. Hence, Hewitt presumes that children do better at language learning is that young brains are more receptive to learning. He thinks that the developing brain is a much more flexible organ than the mature brain. For the period of time when the brain is still developing, Hewitt names it “sensitive period”.
  Indeed, Hewitt’s sensitive period is to some extent similar with Chomsky’s critical period hypothesis. This hypothesis proposes that animals, including humans, are genetically programmed to acquire certain kinds of knowledge and skill at specific times in life. Beyond those “critical periods”, it is either difficult or impossible to acquire those abilities. With regard to language, the CPH suggests that children who are not given access to language in infancy and early childhood (because of deafness or extreme isolation) will never acquire language if these deprivations go on for too long.   However, there are still slight differences between Hewitt’s “sensitive period” and Chomsky’s critical period hypothesis. One is that in Hewitt’s points of view, sensitive period can on conditions be extended. For instance, among some children with very high IQs, the brain appears to stay in learning hyperdrive for an extended period, which in other words is that sensitive period intends to end earlier for children with relatively low IQs. The other is that Hewitt’s “sensitive period” can be extended by continuing deep learning. Hewitt assumes that gravitating to challenging activities helps keep children receptive to learning. That is to say, if a child is willing to learning new things such as a new language, a musical instrument or else, his or her “sensitive period” may sustain for a longer time. Nevertheless, these are not proven by scientific research yet. One question remains unknown is that why some teenagers continue to learn at the pace of much younger children. Namely, why some children enjoy longer “sensitive period” than others. Hewitt assumes that it could be that genes that lead to high IQ also trigger an extended learning period.
  No matter Chomsky’s critical period hypothesis or Hewitt’s “sensitive period” theory, one thing can be ensured is that the pace of learning corresponds with ageing. For apparently, ageing directly determines the functions of human brains.
  This piece of literature review has synthetically discussed several articles and academic reports about the relationship between human brains and language learning, including three studies on specific areas in brains which may influence language information processing and other two ones on possible factors that improve human brains to be better organs more suitable for learning.
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【摘要】高中英语教学中,写作教学作为重要组成部分,也是教学重难点之一。本文在简要介绍高中生英语写作困境的基础上,探讨了基于以读促写理念下的高中英语写作教学策略,旨在有效提升学生写作能力,为综合提升学生英语素养夯实基础。  【关键词】以读促写教学理念;高中英语;写作教学  【作者简介】张云峰,何桃桃,安宁,河南省灵宝市第三高级中学。  【基金项目】本文系河南省基础教育教学研究室2018年度河南省中小
【摘要】新型的教学模式正在挑战传统的教学模式。翻转课堂强调学生在教学过程中的主动性,不再像传统教学模式那样只单纯强调教师的主导作用,学生由“被动学习”向“主动学习”转化,不断内化课堂知识,提高学习主动性。本文深入分析了“微课”翻转课堂教育模式的概念、理论基础,指出了大学英语教学存在的诸多问题,并对微课翻转课堂模式与大学英语进行有机结合,提出了有效的教学策略。  【关键词】英语教学;“微课”翻转课堂
【摘要】在培养新时代人才的教学目标指引下,英语教学只有抓早抓小,才能防微杜渐。阅读作为小学英语教学的重要组成部分,其教学难度较大,期间遇到的挫折也不少。近期,我着重就如何提高小学英语的阅读教学质量进行了教学探究,得出了以下结论。  【关键词】小学英语;阅读教学;教学质量;探析  【作者简介】胡雄燕,福建省浦城县实验小学。  在小学阶段,要想为后续阶段的学习打好基础,光靠学生自己的力量是远远不够的。
【摘要】英文歌曲是一種寓教于乐的教学材料,在高中英语教学中合理运用英文歌曲,能激发学生的学习兴趣,营造轻松和谐的学习氛围,让学生提高自己的词汇积累和语法水平,提升学生的综合素质和英语表达能力。  【关键词】英文歌曲; 课堂导入;词汇教学;语法教学  【作者简介】赖灵凤(1992.09-),女,福建龙岩人,福建省龙岩市永定一中,大学本科,中学二级,研究方向:浅谈英语歌曲在高中英语教学实践中的运用。 
【摘要】电影的片名是电影最好的名片,两岸三地的译者对于英文片名的汉译标准存在不同的看法。本文以纽马克的文本理论为基础,结合案例分析,得出英文片名汉译的三大原则:信息要准确,信息需补充和本地化要适度。  【关键词】电影;电影片名;文本分类  【作者简介】彭施龙(1988-),男,四川南充人,四川旅游学院,助教,硕士,研究方向:外国语言学及应用语言学,商务笔译。  在新的历史时期,全球各地电影发展的步
【摘要】随着我国教育机制的日益完善,民办本科院校的教学管理机制也逐步优化,民办高校教学也进入了新的发展阶段。而在发展的同时,高校教学管理也存在着一些新情况和新问题。为了更好地促进我国民办高校教育的创新发展,本文从分析当前民办高校教学管理存在问题的基础上,提出了优化民办高校教学管理运行机制的创新思考。  【关键词】民办高校;教学管理;管理机制  【作者简介】翟莹(1988.06-),女,汉族,广东东
【摘要】世界的融合,让语言也变得融合起来。英语,便成了小学生学习的语言学科之一。但是,由于缺乏广泛的对话环境,学生在英语学习中还面临着一系列的问题,等待着教师解决。小学英语教师在核心素养下开展教学策略的探析,能够利用学生协作、抛锚问题、教学情境、实践探究等方式,实现学生英语方面的飞跃,完善学生的英语技巧。  【关键词】核心素养;小学英语;教学策略  【作者简介】叶忠华,泰州市泰兴市老叶小学。  【
【摘要】在新时代背景下,高职英语作为学时长、涉及学生范围最广的一门公共基础学科,将“课程思政”融入高职英语教学当中是非常必要的。本文阐述了高职英语教学中“课程思政”的重要意义和“课程思政”的内涵意义,通过分析高职英语“课程思政”实施的必要性和可行性,进一步详细阐述高职英语“课程思政”的实施途径。希望广大高职英语教师提高思政意识和能力,坚持立德树人,努力开创教育事业新局面。  【关键词】高职英语;
【摘要】旅游文本不同于经济、法律等类文本,属于呼唤型翻译文本,其核心目的是让读者们能够快速的了解并产生兴趣,去感受乃至接受翻译文本中所传递的信息。本文从评价理论的角度,选取了斯里兰卡旅游源文本案例,探讨翻译过程中如何将文本中的感情信息传递给读者并产生很好的共鸣。  【关键词】旅游文本;评价理论;翻译  【作者简介】宋燕,朱思嘉,山东科技大学外国语学院。  一、引言  目前,旅游类文本的翻译研究多以
【摘要】高中英语知识相较于初中英语知识,难度比较大、知识量比较多,高中生存在较大的学习压力,所以高中英语教师需要不断地转变教学模式与理念,在英语教学中把阅读与写作结合起来,实现以读促写,在写作中巩固、复习阅读知识,加深对所学知识的理解与记忆,构建完整的英语知识体系,让学生在学到英语知识的同时,提升英语学科素养。  【关键词】高中;英语;读写结合;教学;方法  【作者简介】蔡连升,福建省晋江市养正中