相信有不少人跟笔者一样没有上网,通过公用机房收发Email。通常是上机时打开Outlook进行一系列的设置(若有多个信箱就更麻烦),收发信时还要输入口令。麻烦不说,一不小心还会泄露口令或留下一些痕迹。那么如何快速收发邮件呢?以我用的Foxmail3.0(1.32MB)为例,介绍如下: 第一步,在本机硬盘上启动Foxmail,用新建帐户的方法建立三个用户(我有三个Email信箱),并设置邮箱路径分别为“D:My Boxbox1(box2、box3)”。将
I believe there are many people like the author did not go online, send and receive email through the public machine room. Usually open Outlook on the machine for a series of settings (more mailbox if more trouble), send and receive letters but also enter the password. Trouble does not say, accidentally also leaked the password or leave some traces. How to quickly send and receive e-mail? Foxmail3.0 (1.32MB) I used as an example, described as follows: The first step in the local drive to start Foxmail, with the new account to create three users (I have three Email Mailbox), and set the mailbox path to “D: My Box box1 (box2, box3)”. will