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国家邮政部门为了改变邮市旷日持久的沉闷局面,先后出台了很多新的政策,如恢复中断多年的票、片提前公布发行量;继续缩小邮票发行量;发行一些计划外的“短腿”邮品;对提前出现在邮市的邮品按编码进行查处。可时至今日,效果如何呢?提前公布发行量的做法,没有吸引更多邮人,引来的是片、封的“滥发”。“短腿”邮品的增发,大多只是在版式上有差异,按照FIP的规则,不能算是新品种。虽然在2002年的3、4月间邮市曾出现“井喷”行情,再看看炒作的对象,都是近期“短腿”邮品,这些名义上规定摇号的,怎么会成捆成包 In order to change the lingering dull postal market, the state postal service has promulgated many new policies, such as the resumption of interrupting years of tickets, the issuance of films ahead of schedule, the continued issuance of postage stamps, the issue of some unscheduled short-legged postal products, On the advance postal products in the postal code by investigation. However, up to now, what is the effect? ​​The early publication of circulation did not attract more postmen, which attracted the “junk” of films and envelopes. The issuance of “short-legged” stamps mostly only have differences in format. According to the rules of the FIP, they can not be regarded as new varieties. Although in March and April of 2002, there was a blowout in the postal market and the targets of the hype were all short-legged postal products. These nominally stipulate that Yaohao would be bundled into bundles
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